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Study Online - Undergraduate Programs - Social Sciences    
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Online degree programs allow you to study even with a full-time job. The careers available with Social Sciences online degree include: psychologist, counselor, social worker, public service administrator, politician, lawyer etc.

Social Sciences study how people behave individually and in groups; seek to understand the human mind; and work to help others in many different fields.

Some of the online program categories at Study Online that fall under social sciences include history, communication, political science, psychology and law.

The categories of Social Sciences include the whole range of online academic programs of Social Sciences, for instance, Homeland Security, Law and Legal Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Public Safety, Counseling, Sociology, Family and Marriage Therapy, History and more.

The online program in Social Sciences may be also chosen by the online degree level you would like to obtain.

Almeda University
Associate of Science in Criminal Justice
Associate of Science in Occupational Safety
Associate of Arts in Counseling
Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice
Associate of Arts in Human Services
Associate of Arts in Legal Studies
Associate of Arts in Social Services
Associate of Arts in Social Work
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Science in Human Services
Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Counseling
Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Arts in Human Services
Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Social Science
Bachelor of Arts in Social Services
Bachelor of Arts in Social Work
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Bachelor of Arts in Training and Development
Bachelor of Business Administration in Occupational Safety and Health
Bachelor of Business Administration in Training and Development
Bachelors Degree in Human Services
Bachelors Degree in Social Science
Bachelors Degree in Social Work
Bachelors Degree in Counseling

Suffield University
Bachelors Degree in African American Studies
Bachelors Degree in American Studies
Bachelors Degree in Anthropology
Bachelors Degree in Archaeology
Bachelors Degree in Child and Family Studies
Bachelors Degree in Clinical Psychology
Bachelors Degree in Counseling
Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice
Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice Administration
Bachelors Degree in History
Bachelors Degree in Human Development
Bachelors Degree in International Studies
Bachelors Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy
Bachelors Degree in Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Bachelors Degree in Paralegal Studies
Bachelors Degree in Political Science
Bachelors Degree in Psychology
Bachelors Degree in Social Work
Bachelors Degree in Sociology
Bachelors Degree in Women's Studies
Bachelors Degree in Forensic Chemistry