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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: No
Contact Info:
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
Street: 6301 Kaplan University Avenue
ZIP: 33309
Phone: 866.527.5268
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice

Individuals who need to advance their careers in law enforcement, private security, or corrections or to pursue entry-level opportunities should choose this online Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice program in order to meet their career goals. The aim of this degree program is to provide students with a solid foundation in criminal justice and a broad liberal arts education. The Web-based baccalaureate program is designed to combine the professional skills of specialized areas of criminal justice with research and analytical skills. Graduates of this program will be able to work in law enforcement, corrections, probation, parole, fraud investigation, or juvenile justice facilities.

Kaplan University offers ten emphasis areas in the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice program: forensic psychology, law enforcement, private security, fraud examination and investigation, corrections, crime analysis, crime scene investigation, homeland security and counterterrorism, juvenile justice, and computer crime.

This program suits best the individuals whose aim is to advance their current criminal justice career or seeking entry-level employment in a criminal justice field that requires a bachelor's degree.

Students with associate’s or bachelor's degree, shoud chooose this online advanced start program which can help them earn a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice online in as little as 12 months. A completed bachelor’s degree will provide the students with necessary qualifications to increase the income potential and marketability in today’s job market. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, bachelor’s degree holders earn nearly double what high school diploma holders earn and over 30 percent more than associate's degree holders during their working lifetime.

Programs offered by this school:
Associate in Applied Science in Accounting
Associate in Applied Science in Business Administration
Associate in Applied Science in Criminal Justice
Associate in Applied Science in Fire Science
Associate in Applied Science in Health Information Technology
Associate in Applied Science in Human Services
Associate in Applied Science in Information Technology
Associate in Applied Science in Medical Assisting
Associate in Applied Science in Medical Office Management
Associate in Applied Science in Medical Transcription
Associate in Applied Science in Paralegal Studies
Associate in Applied Science in Public Administration
Associate of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Communication
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Policy and Management
Bachelor of Science in Fire Science
Bachelor of Science in Health and Wellness
Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management
Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration
Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management
Bachelor of Science in Human Services
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies
Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Science
Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies
Bachelor of Science in Political Science
Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Bachelor of Science in Public Administration
Bachelor of Science in Public Health
Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice
Certificate Program in Corrections
Certificate Program in Crime Scene Technician
Certificate Program in Information Technology
Certificate Program in Internet and Website Development
Certificate Program in Introduction to Computer Programming Language
Certificate Program in Legal Secretary
Certificate Program in Management and Supervision
Certificate Program in Private Security
Master of Arts in Teaching
Master of Science in Accounting
Master of Science in Criminal Justice
Master of Science in Education
Master of Science in Higher Education
Master of Science in Information Technology
Master of Science in Legal Studies
Master of Science in Management
Master of Science in Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing & Health
Master of Science in Psychology
Master of Science in Education in Instructional Technology
Masters Degree in Business Administration
Masters Degree in Healthcare Administration
Masters Degree in Public Administration
Masters Degree in Public Health
Masters Degree in Teaching
Postbaccalaureate certificate in Pathway to Paralegal