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Study Online - Online Universities - Central Pennsylvania College    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Pennsylvania
City: Summerdale
Street: College Hill & Valley Rds
ZIP: 17093
Phone: (800) 759-2727
Associates Degree in Criminal Justice

The Associate Degree in Criminal Justice gives students an opportunity for experienced criminal justice professionals and those seeking to begin their careers in this exciting, rapidly changing field. The Associate Degree in Criminal Justice will help prepare students to work in many fields: law enforcement, anti-terrorism, private security, public safety, the courts, police administration, and corrections, among others. It also emphasizes working with crime-related populations, such as drug and sex offenders, and security-conscious corporate clientele.