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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: USA
Enrollment: Semesters
Financial Aid: No
Scholarships: No
Contact Info:
State: Louisiana
City: Thibodaux
Street: 110 Gouaux Hall
ZIP: 70310
Phone: 985-448-4131
Courses in Family in a Consumer Society

Family and Consumer Sciences course has roots in both academic and career/technical (vocational) education and easily reaches beyond the education system into the community as it focuses on the needs of individuals and families. There is widespread agreement that essential preparation for success of all students includes acquisition of problem-solving, decision-making, higher order thinking, communication, literacy, and numerical skills in applied contexts. Today's students are the future members and leaders of tomorrow's families, workplaces, and communities. All students need to be able to act responsibly and productively, to synthesize knowledge from multiple sources, to work cooperatively, and to apply the highest standards in all aspects of their lives. Family and Consumer Sciences Education provides the bridges needed by all students to deal with major societal issues such as work-and-family, health care, child and elder care, family and community violence and crime, global economics and politics, and technology usage. Family and Consumer Sciences Education is a catalyst to bring these issues into action-oriented, skill-building educational programs.

Programs offered by this school:
Courses in Advanced Telecommunication
Courses in Applied Nutrition
Courses in Applied Perspectives on Aging
Courses in Bioethics for Health Care Professionals
Courses in Calculus and Analysis Geometry
Courses in Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology
Courses in Child Care Basics
Courses in College Algebra
Courses in Community Health Nursing
Courses in Construction Safety
Courses in Creative Activities for Preschoolers
Courses in Culinary History & Development
Courses in Developing English Composition
Courses in End of Life Care
Courses in Families and Addictions
Courses in Family in a Consumer Society
Courses in Financial Management
Courses in First Aid
Courses in Food & Culture of the American South
Courses in Food Service Inventory Selection
Courses in Food/Beverage/Labor Cost Control
Courses in Foundations of Mathematics
Courses in Fundamentals of Public Speak
Courses in General Music Appreciation
Courses in Geometry
Courses in Government Regulatory Agencies
Courses in History of Western Civilization
Courses in Intro to Financial Accounting
Courses in Introduction to Cyto-Technology
Courses in Introductory Sociology
Courses in Introductory Statistics
Courses in Keyboarding
Courses in Mathematical Modeling
Courses in Mathematical Modeling & Problem Solving
Courses in Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
Courses in Numerical Analysis
Courses in Poetry and Drama
Courses in Professional Nursing Practice
Courses in Professional Writing
Courses in Shelter and Design
Courses in Short Stories and Novels
Courses in Technical Writing
Courses in World History