Here you can find complete information about study online. Check out the list of online schools, colleges and universities. Take an online degree or courses to raise your proficiency. Get all benefits from online education.

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Earn the online degree in Teacher and Education and use this opportunity to share your knowledge with others! When having one of the most important jobs in the world, you as a teacher will help kids learn, develop and grow from their first words and letters to their college applications, as well as help other adults to advance their careers.

The categories of Teacher and Education includes the online academic programs that comprise the whole education area, for example, Educational Leadership and Technology, Training, TESOL, Curriculum and Instruction; K12 and Higher Education and more.

The online education program will give you endless opportunities to work as: kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school or GED teacher; school principal; curriculum instructor; guidance counselor and many more. As you may see there are plenty of different aspects of education where you may apply your skills and knowledge, from managing an entire school to teaching special needs students.

Blackhawk Technical College
Courses in Differentiated Instruction
Courses in GED Language Arts/Prepare for the Writing Test
Courses in GED Math Test Preparation
Courses in GED Preparation
Courses in Grammar for ESL
Courses in Get Grants
Courses in GRE Preparation-Part 1
Courses in GRE Preparation-Part 2
Courses in Guided Reading and Writing: Strategies for Maximum Student Achievement
Courses in Guided Reading: Strategies for the Differentiated Classroom
Courses in Using the Internet in the Classroom
Courses in Guiding Kids on the Internet
Courses in Language Development in Childhood
Courses in Special Education
Courses in LSAT Preparation-Part 1
Courses in LSAT Preparation-Part 2
Courses in Introduction to Teaching ESL/EFL
Courses in Classroom Computer
Courses in Solving Classroom Discipline Problems II
Courses in Solving Classroom Discipline Problems
Courses in Creating the Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Success
Courses in Creative Classroom

Portland State University
Courses in Children's Literature, K-5
Courses in Multicultural Literature, K-12
Courses in Coping with Challenging Children
Courses in Brain-Based Learning
Courses in Using the Internet in the Classroom
Courses in Global Literature, K-12
Courses in Multiple Intelligences: Teaching Successfully to All Students
Courses in Class Meetings: the Way to a Well-Disciplined Classroom
Courses in Learning Styles: Teaching to the Differences among Us
Courses in Infusing Critical and Creative Thinking into Your Classroom
Courses in Creating a Caring Classroom: Practical Strategies to Avoid Common Classroom Problems
Courses in Science Inquiry for the Constructivist Teacher, K-8
Courses in Bringing Social Studies Alive
Courses in Working Successfully with Culturally Diverse and English Language Learners
Courses in Early Literature: Teaching Reading and Writing in the K-3 Classroom
Courses in Ain't Gonna Study War No More
Courses in Achieving Equity through Multicultural Education
Courses in Design Your Own Course: A District-Based Research Approach
Courses in Literature Circles: Reading Successfully in the Intermediate Grades
Courses in e-Learning Instructional Strategies
Courses in Children's Books: Curriculum Connections
Courses in e-Learning Systems Capstone
Courses in Principles/Methods of Diagnosis and Assessment in Reading
Courses in Literacy Instruction for Special Needs Students, K-12
Courses in Language Study for Teachers, K-12
Courses in Social Studies Concepts, K-8
Courses in Solving Reading Problems: Middle to High School
Courses in Mechanics of Writing for the K-12 Classroom
Courses in Multicultural Literature for Educators
Courses in Concepts for K-8 Health and Fitness
Courses in Civics
Courses in Child and Adolescent Literature for Educators
Courses in Integrated Arts for the Classroom Teacher
Courses in Science in the Multicultural K-8 Classroom
Courses in World Literature for Educators
Courses in Instructional Design for Online Learning
Courses in Creating a Poetry-Friendly Classroom
Courses in e-Learning Essentials
Courses in Online Pedagogy: Teaching and Designing Effective Online Mathematics Courses
Courses in Organizing a Literary Community
Courses in School Reading
Courses in Instructional Strategies and Assessment of Student Learning
Courses in Planning for Challenging Behaviour in the Classroom, Ages 3-5
Courses in Systems for Successful Implementation of Differentiated Education
Courses in Bilingual Children: Program Models, Assessment, and Classroom Methods Ages 2-5
Courses in Issues in Restructuring Education
Courses in Photoshop Elements: Digital Imaging in the Classroom
Courses in iMovie: Digital Video in the Classroom
Courses in Movie Maker: Digital Video in the Classroom
Courses in Mathematics Instruction for the Learner with Special Needs
Courses in The Essentials of Reading Instruction