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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Oregon
City: Portland
Street: 105 Neuberger Hall, 724 SW Harrison St
ZIP: 97207
Phone: 503.725.3000
Courses in Principles/Methods of Diagnosis and Assessment in Reading

This course allows you to learn literacy theory, which includes an overview of the psychological, sociological, and linguistic foundations of reading processes and instruction. Psychometrics, the science of measurement in the social sciences, will be introduced as well as measures of reading proficiency and reading achievement (with specific examples of standardized reading measures and discrete-point reading proficiency measures). You will learn about authentic literacy assessment with specific examples of authentic reading assessment tasks and consideration of students with special needs (English language learners, students with learning disabilities, talented and gifted students). Additionally, try to explore test ethics and how assessment results are used (including communication with various stakeholders).

Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Social Science
Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies
Bachelor of Science in Social Science
Certificate Program in Early Childhood Education
Courses in Achieving Equity through Multicultural Education
Courses in Ain't Gonna Study War No More
Courses in American Cinema
Courses in American Comedy in Films
Courses in American Culture
Courses in American Literature for Educators
Courses in American Musicals in Film
Courses in Asperger's: Perspectives, Talents, and Education of Students with Social and Cognitive Deficits
Courses in Bilingual Children: Program Models, Assessment, and Classroom Methods Ages 2-5
Courses in Brain-Based Learning
Courses in Bringing Social Studies Alive
Courses in British Literature for Educators
Courses in Business Ethics
Courses in Child and Adolescent Literature for Educators
Courses in Children's Books: Curriculum Connections
Courses in Children's Literature, K-5
Courses in Civics
Courses in Class Meetings: the Way to a Well-Disciplined Classroom
Courses in Concepts for K-8 Health and Fitness
Courses in Coping with Challenging Children
Courses in Counseling Skills for Classroom Teachers
Courses in Creating a Caring Classroom: Practical Strategies to Avoid Common Classroom Problems
Courses in Creating a Poetry-Friendly Classroom
Courses in Design Your Own Course: A District-Based Research Approach
Courses in e-Learning Essentials
Courses in e-Learning Instructional Strategies
Courses in e-Learning Systems Capstone
Courses in Early Language and Literacy
Courses in Early Literature: Teaching Reading and Writing in the K-3 Classroom
Courses in Economics
Courses in Egyptian Archeology
Courses in Environment and History
Courses in Environmental Ethics
Courses in Exploring the Internet 1: Beginning
Courses in Exploring the Internet 2: Intermediate
Courses in Exploring the Internet 3: Advanced
Courses in Feminist Analysis
Courses in Feminist Comedy
Courses in Fundamentals of Fundraising
Courses in Geography for Educators
Courses in Global Literature, K-12
Courses in History of Pacific NW
Courses in iMovie: Digital Video in the Classroom
Courses in Infusing Critical and Creative Thinking into Your Classroom
Courses in Instructional Design for Online Learning
Courses in Instructional Strategies and Assessment of Student Learning
Courses in Integrated Arts for the Classroom Teacher
Courses in Issues in Restructuring Education
Courses in Language Study for Teachers, K-12
Courses in Learning Styles: Teaching to the Differences among Us
Courses in Literacy Instruction for Special Needs Students, K-12
Courses in Literature Circles: Reading Successfully in the Intermediate Grades
Courses in Literature-Based Writing
Courses in Managing New Small Grassroots Non-Profits
Courses in Mathematics Instruction for the Learner with Special Needs
Courses in Mechanics of Writing for the K-12 Classroom
Courses in MediaBlender: Project-Based Learning with Multimedia
Courses in Movie Maker: Digital Video in the Classroom
Courses in Multicultural Literature for Educators
Courses in Multicultural Literature, K-12
Courses in Multicultural Perspective of U.S. History
Courses in Multimedia
Courses in Multiple Intelligences: Teaching Successfully to All Students
Courses in Online Pedagogy: Teaching and Designing Effective Online Mathematics Courses
Courses in Organizing a Literary Community
Courses in Peace Studies
Courses in Photoshop Elements: Digital Imaging in the Classroom
Courses in Planning for Challenging Behaviour in the Classroom, Ages 3-5
Courses in Politics of the Environment
Courses in Principles/Methods of Diagnosis and Assessment in Reading
Courses in Psychology of Women
Courses in Rural Social Services
Courses in School Reading
Courses in Science in the Multicultural K-8 Classroom
Courses in Science Inquiry for the Constructivist Teacher, K-8
Courses in Social Studies Concepts, K-8
Courses in Solving Reading Problems: Middle to High School
Courses in Solving Student Issues Step by Step
Courses in Stratification
Courses in Systems for Successful Implementation of Differentiated Education
Courses in The Essentials of Reading Instruction
Courses in U.S. History from the Civil War to 2000 for Educators
Courses in Urban Transportation Problems & Policies
Courses in Using the Best of Children's Literature in the Classroom
Courses in Using the Internet in the Classroom
Courses in Women Activism & Social Change
Courses in Women's History: Keys for Classroom Integration
Courses in Working Successfully with Culturally Diverse and English Language Learners
Courses in World History
Courses in World Literature for Educators
Courses in Writing Process for Educators
Masters Degree in Social Work