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The two main Associate degree types, an Associate of Arts and Associate of Science are often accepted as transfer degrees to specialized Bachelor programs. An integral part of an online Associate degree program comprises general education, which includes such disciplines as communication, natural sciences/mathematics, humanities and social science.

For those planning to find immediate employment, an Associate of Applied Science should be a degree to consider, since it places an emphasis on practical skills of an entry level professional.
The Associate degree is an undergraduate degree that requires 2 years of study and provides students with general education, major specific education and electives. Online education allows you to complete all the academic requirements while providing you with flexibility and convenience.

An online Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees are the two most widespread associate degree types which provides students with general basis for the further academic studying. Those seeking immediate employment in the workforce should consider earning online an Associate of Applied Science degree. Other types of online Associate degrees offered by USA online schools include an Associate of General Studies, Associate of Liberal Arts, Associate of Business Administration and others.

Online Associate degrees in Business Administration, Liberal Arts, Criminal Justice, Management, Programming and other disciplines, are widely accepted as transfers into Bachelor degree programs in the USA. Besides, candidates with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Web Design, Accounting, Medical Office, Communications and many other subjects can go into the workforce at entry level.