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Study Online - Online Universities - Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: rolling
Financial Aid: No
Scholarships: No
Contact Info:
State: Connecticut
City: Mystic
Street: 75 Greenmanville Avenue
ZIP: CT 06355
Phone: (860) 572-7900
Certificate Program in Fiberglass Boatbuilding: Materials And Methods

Students enrolled in this course will study the fundamental concepts of sound fiberglass boat construction practices and basic structural calculations.

This course focuses on current information on fiberglass and related boatbuilding materials, and the best techniques for using them. The topics involved in this course are the following: reinforcement fibers, resin systems, core materials, mold construction, production facility requirements, boatbuilding methods, elements of strength of materials, laminate design, assembly of components, and design examples.

It should be mentioned that this course in included as lessons in Westlawn’s larger Yacht Design Lite course and also in the full Yacht Design Program.

Prerequisite: Elementary drafting & knowledge of descriptive terminology used in boat construction. A computer with reliable Internet access and email is required.

The course consists of 11-lessons which can be completed in about forty-five hours of study.