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Study Online - Online Universities - The University of Mississippi    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: 3 terms per year
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Mississippi
City: Oxford
Street: P.O. Box 1848
ZIP: 38677
Phone: (662) 915-7211.
The University of Mississippi consists of the main campus in Oxford and three branch campuses located in Booneville, Tupelo, and Southaven. UM also maintains the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, which trains professionals in the fields of medicine, nursing, health-related professions and dentistry.

Ole Miss is experiencing a renaissance unparalleled in the institution's 160 year history. Striking growth in its contribution, a huge jump in funding for research and an explosion of innovative new academic programs make The University of Mississippi one of America's great public universities. It serves lots of international students that come from sixty-six nations.

Ole Miss Online
We are committed to providing quality online teaching and learning opportunities at the University of Mississippi. Ole Miss Online courses are developed and conducted by University of Mississippi faculty members and approved by appropriate department chairpersons.

You must be enrolled at The University of Mississippi to enroll in an Ole Miss Online course. Please visit Admissions to apply to the University of Mississippi and be sure to check The University of Mississippi’s Academic Calendar for important information about dates.

Online learning format allows you to learn anytime, anywhere. You read the materials, submit lessons, take a final exam with a proctor or at a testing center, and receive a course grade.

Courses offered through Ole Miss Online are fully accredited through The University of Mississippi and the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

Financial Aid
The University of Mississippi is proud to award students who have achieved academic excellence and those with particular talents and demonstrated leadership skills. We hope that for all students, you will progressively grow and succeed in both your personal and academic endeavors while at The University of Mississippi. The following types of Financial Aid are available at Ole Miss: Scholarships, Grants, Work Study, Undergraduate Loans, Graduate/Professional Loans, and Lifelong Learners.


Sally Martinez
My college prepared me for the job skills necessary to interact in a business and social setting. The University of Mississippi is an outstanding public institution and is not only nationally recognized for its academics but its ability to produce outstanding young professionals in various fields of study including Accounting, Business, Journalism, Pre-Heath Professions, Engineering, International Studies and Law just to name a few.

Paula Banks
The atmosphere is amazing. Everybody is so warm and friendly and willing to help that one is proud to be a part of such an amazing group. The football games are the most exciting part of attending this university. People tailgate with fine china while dressed in their Sunday best. It's incredible.

Victor Moss
Ole Miss is a great undergraduate university, where students can grow and mature into adults. Oxford is one of the best college towns in the country, with great southern style. The women are beautiful, but some times stuck up. If you are looking to have a good time in college while still getting a great education this is the place. Ohh yea we also have The Grove...look it up.

Programs offered by this school:
Courses in Accounting
Courses in Art
Courses in Biology
Courses in Career Education
Courses in Chemistry
Courses in Computer Science
Courses in Counselor Education
Courses in Criminal Justice
Courses in Economics and Finance
Courses in Educational Psychology
Courses in Elementary Education
Courses in Family and Consumer Science
Courses in French
Courses in Geology
Courses in German
Courses in Health and Safety Education
Courses in History
Courses in Journalism
Courses in Library Science
Courses in Marketing
Courses in Mathematics
Courses in Parks and Recreation Management
Courses in Philosophy
Courses in Portuguese
Courses in Reading
Courses in Religion
Courses in Spanish
Courses in Special Education
Courses in Telecommunications
Courses in Wellness
Master of Business Administration in Business Administration