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Study Online - Online Universities - University of Hawaii - West O‘ahu    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: twice a year
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Hawaii
City: Pearl City
Street: 96-129 Ala Ike
ZIP: 96782
Phone: 808-454-4700
UH West O‘ahu is a baccalaureate degree granting institution which offers degrees in the liberal arts and professional studies. The University is located in the leeward O‘ahu area, as the only public four-year university UH West O‘ahu is committed to the continuing development of the region through both innovative educational offerings and public service activities.

UH West O‘ahu pays much its attention to quality teaching and flexible class schedules that encourage life-long learning, thus giving students the opportunity to pursue career-related education connected with the values, ideas, and challenges of the liberal arts. The academic program structure emphasizes the exploration of interdisciplinary studies, cross-cultural and international studies, and communication skills.

Targeting the communities of west O‘ahu and other underserved parts of the state, UH West O‘ahu seeks to meet the educational needs of both recent high school graduates and non-traditional students. It offers ground-breaking alternative learning opportunities such as instruction via computer and telecommunications, certificate programs, mentoring, individualized degree programs, and credit for prior learning.

Besides to classes held at Pearl City campus, the University of Hawai‘i-West O‘ahu (UHWO) has a Distance Learning program with courses offered through different methods:
- Online Courses: Courses are delivered totally online over the Internet. Students reach course material from their personal computers.
- Interactive Television – Some UH West O‘ahu courses are taught through Interactive Television (ITV), using classroom facilities. Students meet at the ITV receive sites to participate in classes.
- Off-Site Courses: From time to time, some UH West O‘ahu courses are taught in-person on the neighbor islands.

Financial Aid
UH West O‘ahu helps its students find the funding they need to get a college education. Whether you are a newly admitted or continuing student, you can get individualized and personalized financial aid services to assist you. Types of Financial Aid we offer: Grants, Scholarships, Work-study Program, and Loans.

The University of Hawai‘i - West O‘ahu received accreditation in February, 1981 from the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).


Maria Marcos
What a great experience! I looked into many different online schools before deciding on University of Hawaii. I spent 3 months with Kaplan University before coming over, and what a difference! I love the way that the classes are organized, and the teachers are amazing. I can't say that it was EASY, but that isn't the point. College and a quality degree is not something that is supposed to be easy. I enjoyed the challenge, and I will be submitting my application to get involved with their doctoral program next spring.