Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: New Jersey
City: Trenton
Street: 101 W. State St.
ZIP: 08608-1176
Phone: 1 (888) 442-8372
Thomas Edison State College is located in Trenton, New Jersey. It was established in 1972, and now it is one of New Jersey’s 12 senior public institutions of higher education and one of the oldest schools in the country designed specifically for adults. The main goal of the College is to provide flexible, high-quality, collegiate learning opportunities for self-directed adults. Thus it offers degree and certificate programs in more than 100 areas of study.
Thomas Edison State College is a national leader in the assessment of adult learning and a pioneer in the use of educational technologies. The institution enables adults to complete associate, baccalaureate, and master’s degrees through a wide variety of rigorous and high-quality academic methods that can be customized to meet their individual needs.
Our convenient programs are designed to help students pursue their educational goals while attending to the challenges and priorities of adult life. As an accredited College, Thomas Edison State College offers a distinguished academic program for the self-motivated adult learner. The College has approximately 29,300 alumni worldwide.
We strive to bring higher education to adults through a range of flexible learning methods. That’s why, we offer undergraduate, graduate and professional certificate programs for adults who are motivated to learn, whether it is for professional advancement or personal fulfillment.
The College provides curricula and degree opportunities of appropriate level and composition consistent with the aspirations of our students, the public welfare, and the highest qualitative standards of American higher education. It makes available educationally valid learning opportunities which serve as alternatives to college classroom study and which are appropriate to the varied needs and learning styles of adults.
Moreover, Thomas Edison State College offers a wide variety of degree and certificate programs that may completed entirely through the College's online and distance learning courses.