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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Alberta
City: Three Hills
Street: Box 4000 330 5th Ave. NE
ZIP: T0M 2N0
Phone: 403-443-5511
Prairie Bible Institute continues as a Canadian center for Christian higher education that encompasses three post-secondary schools: Prairie Bible College which offers both resident and distance education programs with major concentrations in Theology, Church Ministries or Intercultural Studies; the Prairie School of Mission Aviation ; and - in partnership with Bow Valley College, Olds College, Lethbridge Community College and the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology - the Prairie College of Applied Arts and Technology, a Christian polytechnic vocational college which offers instruction in Early Childhood Learning, Emergency Medical Technology, Practical Nursing and several other applied disciplines.The Prairie Bible Institute has its own campus church called The Prairie Tabernacle Congregation. The institute is also home to the Maxwell Memorial Tabernacle, which is the largest religious auditorium in the country.

The Prairie Bible Institute offers four-year Bachelor of Arts degrees for a number of courses such as Christian studies, youth ministry, intercultural studies and theology. Associate degrees are available for mission aviation and general studies. Students can also pursue a diploma in music or a one-year certificate course in subjects like the Bible and intercultural leadership. Certificate of completion course  for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages is also available.

Distance Education
Prairie Bible College Distance Education is considered as a means of improving and expanding students service to Christ and his Church. Flexible programs and courses provides the opportunity to pursue valuable academic instruction while continuing in current employment or ministry. This advantage as Prairie Distance Education maximizes growth by allowing students to immediately apply new principles to ministry or personal work. Many of the same courses offered in college classrooms can be sent right to learners home.

Financial Aid
Prairie Bible Institute has different funds to assist students in meeting their educational costs. Eligible students are offered scholarships and bursaries that are available to both new and returning students. Now all of Prairie’s financial awards are based on financial need. Students on academic and conduct probation won't ordinarily receive financial assistance or scholarships.
