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Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: each term
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Oregon
City: Corvallis
Street: Work 104 Kerr Administration Building
ZIP: 97331
Phone: (541) 737-4411
Founded in 1858 as a small, private academy called Corvallis College, Oregon State University has developed into a major teaching, research, and public service institution.

Oregon State University (OSU) is a coeducational, public research university located in Corvallis, Oregon, United States. Oregon State University provides diverse educational opportunities through the undergraduate and graduate programs of its 11 colleges and one school. There are over 200 academic degree programs offered through the university. Academic choices include studies in scientific, technological, interdisciplinary, and professional as well as liberal arts fields. OUS’s programs in nuclear engineering, ecology, forestry, public health, biochemistry, zoology, food science and pharmacy are recognized nationally as top tier programs.

OSU Extended Campus offers a variety of opportunities for individuals interested in personal or professional enrichment who prefer the flexibility of online learning and programs delivered off-campus. Online and distance courses offered through Extended Campus are taught by OSU faculty and carry requirements for reading, research, and examinations that are similar to on-campus courses. Online degree programs and courses appear the same on your OSU transcript as do on-campus degrees and courses. Professional certificate programs and non-credit programs do not appear on an official OSU transcript, but Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or certificates may be awarded.

Oregon State University is regionally accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). The Oregon State Board of Higher Education has authorized the University to offer undergraduate and graduate level certificates, baccalaureate, masters, doctorate, and first professional degrees.

An Enrollment Summary is produced each term, including summer. These reports use the fourth week enrollment data to provide information about students. Summer term uses the end of term data for this report. Also almost everyone, regardless of income, can qualify for some form of financial aid.


Rajesh Bhatti
Hey guys, I am in OSU and it is a moderate rank school, the course pattern of computer science but there are some core courses which you need to take which are not helpful but for the rest the faculty and other facilities are pretty good. The city life is great and there are many places for sight seeing, the cost for the entire course is 25K$ including the living and the tuition. There is a mix of indian and other students and its easy to get around with all kind of people and for the party people the night life is good.

Ray Fedler
I graduated from OSU with a summa cume laude in Spanish with a minor in Japanese in 1998. I had an overall good experience with the foreign language department at OSU, the professors were all very personable and they were willing to spend a lot of one on one time with all of the students. When you major in a foreign language at OSU, you have to take 2 years at least of another language also, in addition to spending a semester abroad.

I chose to go to the University of the Americas in Cholula, Mexico and I had a wonderful time. I have heard very nice things from other students in the foreign language department about their trips abroad also. It is a wonderful experience and it was quite affordable for me.

The only bad thing I could think of about this department is that it might not be as demanding as other departments in the university, especially in the maths and sciences. Everybody who studied in those areas had to put forth a lot more effort than I did. I found that people who wanted to become ESL teachers or teach a foreign language in a High School did particularly well in the OSU foreign language department.

I would definitely recommend the OSU foreign language department to prospective students. Everyone is very helpful and you are provided with a fun learning environment.

Martha Schalk
The Natural Resource Program at OSU is outstanding as are the faculty. I would do it all over again and I would certainly recommend it those interested in a natural resource or environmental science degree.

Judith Ridlon
Your college experience is what you make it, no matter what school you go to. You will get out of it what you put it, and I believe if you put a lot into school & activities here you'll have a great time.

Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Arts in General Anthropology
Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Bachelor of Arts in Women's Studies
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science in General Agriculture
Bachelor of Science in General Anthropology
Bachelor of Science in Horticulture
Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies
Bachelor of Science in Political Science
Bachelor of Science in Women's Studies
Bachelors Degree in Fisheries & Wildlife
Bachelors Degree in Natural Resources
Doctor of Education in Community College Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Community College Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling
Graduate Certificate in Fisheries Management
Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Science
Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Natural Resources
Graduate Certificate in Water Conflict Management
Master of Arts in Teaching in Early Childhood Education
Master of Education in Organization and Human Resource Education
Master of Science in Mathematics Education
Master of Science in Radiation Health Physics
Master of Science in Science & Mathematics Education
Masters Degree in Education
Masters Degree in Health Physics