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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Kansas
City: Parsons
Street: 200 S. 14th Street
ZIP: 67357
Phone: 1-620-421-6700
Labette Community College was founded as Parsons Junior College in 1923 on the top floor of the old high school building. The 1925 graduating class had 23 members. Their course of study was conducted entirely at the old high school. In 1978, the College was renamed Labette Community College.

The College has evolved from a city college primarily serving those students who wished to transfer to a four-year institution to a comprehensive community college offering transfer degrees, professional/technical degrees and certificates, continuing education, customized training for business and industry, lifelong learning opportunities, and a variety of programs and services for Southeast Kansas and the four-state region. There’s never a reason to feel alone in studies either, since there are academic support services like Extensive Undergraduate Evening or Early Morning Classes, Learning Center, Reduced Course Load, Remedial Instruction, Study Skills Assistance, Tutoring and Writing Center. Again, when any student is looking for some counseling or other types of support, Adult (re-entering) student services, Career Counseling, Economically Disadvantaged Student Services, Employment Service, Financial Aid Counseling, Freshman Orientation Program, Personal Counseling, Placement Service and Veterans Counselor can help. The university has disability services as well, so be sure to inquire about them if needed. Specifically, the university has a Distance Learning, Dual Enrollment of High School Students, ESL, Internships and Liberal Arts/Career Combination.

Financial Aid
Financial aid forms are FAFSA. Similarly, need based financial aid distribution is determined through Academics, Art, Athletics, Music/Drama and State/District Residency. Financial aid for students is readily accessible at this school. If students are not a need based student, non-need distribution for financial aid is determined by Academics and Leadership.


Ingrid Wood
Try to choose courses at this College! You won’t regret.

Programs offered by this school:
Courses in Administration of Justice
Courses in Advanced Procedures
Courses in American Government
Courses in American History
Courses in Anatomy and Physiology
Courses in Business Law
Courses in College Algebra Information
Courses in Comparative World Religions
Courses in Computer Concepts and Applications
Courses in Computer Information Systems
Courses in Developmental Psychology
Courses in English Composition
Courses in Environmental Life Science
Courses in Financial Accounting
Courses in Financial Planning
Courses in General Psychology
Courses in History of Jazz and Rock
Courses in Intro to Logic
Courses in Issues in Today’s Economy
Courses in Life Accident and Health Insurance
Courses in Lifetime Fitness
Courses in Literature
Courses in Macroeconomics
Courses in Marriage & Family Counseling
Courses in Medical Coding
Courses in Medical Terminology
Courses in Music Appreciation
Courses in Nutrition
Courses in Office Procedures
Courses in Pathophysiology
Courses in Philosophy
Courses in Principles of Banking
Courses in Probation and Parole
Courses in Respiratory Care Pharmacology
Courses in Selling/Effective Selling
Courses in Sociology
Courses in Speech Education
Courses in State and Local Government
Courses in Statistics
Courses in Therapy for LPN'S
Courses in Visual Basic Programming
Courses in World Geography