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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: No
Contact Info:
State: Colorado
City: Centennial
Street: 9697 East Mineral Avenue
ZIP: 80112
Phone: +1.303.784.8904
Master of Business Administration in Accounting

The students in this program will be provided with the skills and knowledge which can help them flourish in this fast-growing field with in-depth coursework in financial, managerial, cost and auditing. The core curriculum of this program focuses on business, ethics and leadership fundamentals which give the perfect foundation for this highly-valued specialization.

Note: The JIU accounting program is specifically developed to meet the AICPA’s 150 credit hour requirement. Students with a standard Bachelors of Business in Accounting at 120 credit hours are able to take the 30 credit hour accounting component of the MBA to meet the AICPA standards or elect to take all 36 credit hours and receive the MBA as well. Additionally, students with a Bachelors in Business who did not major in accounting, but wish to change fields, can take the five JIU Bachelor-level accounting course in addition to the MBA level courses to meet AICPA education standards.

Upon completion of this program the students will learn to:
* Apply concepts of audit risk, materiality, and evidence to selected audit and assurance services, processes and business systems
* Understand professional audit responsibilities relative to assurance, attestation, and internal auditing services
* Understand and apply advanced accounting concepts to a variety of service and manufacturing organizations
* Identify the tax consequences of many sophisticated business, financial, and personal wealth-planning transactions
* Evaluate different approaches to fraud detection and deterrence relative to forensics accounting
* Develop foundational business knowledge and skills through the core courses.

Students who want to work in public, management, and government accounting as well as internal auditing should give the preference to this program. The flexibility of this professionally focused program will give students the oportunity to structure their studies to focus on budget analysis, financial and investment planning and information technology consulting so that they may pursue their personal and professional goals.

Programs offered by this school:
Associate of Arts in Business Administration
Associate of Science in Digital Media
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration in Customer Care Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance
Bachelor of Business Administration in General Studies
Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Enterprise Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Healthcare Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Security Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Technology Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Leadership
Bachelor of Business Administration in Leading the Customer-Driven Organization
Bachelor of Business Administration in Negotiation and Conflict Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Sales and Marketing Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Technology Services Management
Bachelors Degree in Communication Management
Bachelors Degree in Entrepreneurship
Bachelors Degree in Leadership
Bachelors Degree in Leading the Customer-Driven Organization
Bachelors Degree in Marketing and Sales
Bachelors Degree in Project Management
Certificate Program in Corporate Financial Management
Certificate Program in Corporate Training
Certificate Program in Corporate Training and Knowledge Management
Certificate Program in e-Learning Technology and Design
Certificate Program in English as a Second Language (ESL)
Certificate Program in Health Administration
Certificate Program in Pathways to Accomplished Teaching
Certificate Program in Project Management
Doctoral Degree in Business Administration
Doctoral Degree in K-12 Education Leadership
Education Specialist in K-12 Education Leadership
Master of Arts in Leadership
Master of Arts in Project Management
Master of Business Administration in Accounting
Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship
Master of Business Administration in Finance
Master of Business Administration in Financial Analysis
Master of Business Administration in Financial Planning
Master of Business Administration in Forensic Accountancy
Master of Business Administration in General Studies
Master of Business Administration in Global Enterprise Management
Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Management
Master of Business Administration in Information Security Management
Master of Business Administration in Information Technology Management
Master of Business Administration in Leading the Customer-Driven Organization
Master of Business Administration in Negotiation and Conflict Management
Master of Business Administration in Project Management
Master of Education in Adult Education
Master of Education in Corporate Training and Knowledge Management
Master of Education in e-Learning Technology and Design
Master of Education in Education Leadership and Administration: Principal and Administrator Licensure
Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Administration
Master of Education in Elementary Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Master of Education in Elementary Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment: Teacher Licensure
Master of Education in English
Master of Education in English as a Second Language (ESL)
Master of Education in Higher Education Leadership and Administration
Master of Education in K-12 Instructional Technology
Master of Education in K-12 Instructional Technology: Teacher Licensure
Master of Education in Secondary Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Master of Education in Secondary Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment: Teacher Licensure
Master of Education in Teacher Licensure
Masters Degree in Entrepreneurship
Masters Degree in Leading the Customer-Driven Organization
Masters Degree in Project Management