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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Street: 3000 Mountain Creek Parkway
ZIP: 75211
Phone: 214-333-5360
Dual Degree in Curriculum and Instruction

The Master of Arts in Management/Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction dual degree program is for any educational leader who has desire to learn best practices in curriculum and instruction, human resource management, servant leadership, and life-long learning. The degree is designed for teacher-leaders who are assuming roles as lead teachers, department chairs, grade level coordinators, coaches, mentors, or other campus-level roles of leadership. This degree also prepares those who aspire to the central office level of administration and who desire to lead teams of teachers in expanding roles in education.

The Master of Arts in Management/Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction dual degree program is a 54-hour, non-thesis program. The program consists of 24 credit hours in Business Management and 30 credit hours in Education. Business Management hours include the required core curriculum and associated program prerequisites. Education hours include 9 credit hours in curriculum, 12 credit hours in instruction, 6 credit hours in assessment and/or leadership development, and the Research in Education class (which meets the Service-Learning requirement for this degree). In areas where the student demonstrates sufficient proficiency, course substitutions may be approved by the MED and/or MAM Program Director.

The Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction/Master of Education in Educational Leadership dual degree is a 54-hour, non-thesis program. The program consists of 18 credit hours in a common core curriculum, and 18 credit hours in Specialized Preparation for Principal Certification. In areas where the student demonstrates sufficient proficiency, course substitutions may be approved by the MEDCI or MEDEL program director.

Programs offered by this school:
Advanced Certificate in Business Ministry
Advanced Certificate in Child and Family Ministry
Advanced Certificate in Child Care Ministry
Advanced Certificate in Distance Learning
Advanced Certificate in Healthcare Management
Advanced Certificate in Higher Education Administration
Advanced Certificate in Human Resources Management
Advanced Certificate in Information Systems Management
Advanced Certificate in Management
Advanced Certificate in Marketing
Advanced Certificate in Project Management
Advanced Certificate in School Principalship
Advanced Certificate in Student Ministry
Associates Degree in Arts
Associates Degree in Biblical Studies
Associates Degree in Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies
Bachelor of Business Administration in Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Information Systems
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing
Bachelors Degree in Business Administration
Bachelors Degree in Christian Ministry
Bachelors Degree in Communication
Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice
Bachelors Degree in Health Care Management
Bachelors Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies
Bachelors Degree in Management
Bachelors Degree in Management Information Systems
Bachelors Degree in Marketing
Bachelors Degree in Psychology
Bachelors Degree in Sociology
Certificate Program in Healthcare Management
Certificate Program in Information Systems Technology
Certificate Program in Management
Dual Degree in Business Administration
Dual Degree in Curriculum and Instruction
Dual Degree in Educational Leadership
Dual Degree in Finance
Dual Degree in Health Care Management
Dual Degree in Higher Education
Dual Degree in Higher Education Administration
Dual Degree in International Business
Dual Degree in Management
Dual Degree in Management Information Systems
Dual Degree in Marketing
Dual Degree in Project Management
Dual Degree in Student Ministry
Master of Arts in Adult Ministry
Master of Arts in Business Ministry
Master of Arts in Child Care Ministry
Master of Arts in Christian Education
Master of Arts in Christian Ministry
Master of Arts in Church Administration and Leadership
Master of Arts in Criminal Justice
Master of Arts in Finance
Master of Arts in Health Care Management
Master of Arts in Higher Education
Master of Arts in Human Resources Management
Master of Arts in Leadership Studies
Master of Arts in Management
Master of Arts in Management Information Systems
Master of Arts in Marketing
Master of Arts in Student Ministry
Master of Arts in Teaching in Distance Learning
Master of Business Administration in Finance
Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Management
Master of Business Administration in International Business
Master of Business Administration in Management
Master of Business Administration in Management Information Systems
Master of Business Administration in Marketing
Master of Business Administration in Project Management
Master of Education in Distance Learning
Master of Education in Educational Leadership
Master of Education in Higher Education Administration
Master of Education in Supervisor