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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Minnesota
City: Minneapolis
Street: 225 South 6th Street, 9th Floor
ZIP: 55402
Phone: 612-339-8650
Master of Science in Non-Profit Management

The Management of Nonprofit Agencies specialization provides students with practical course work focused on contemporary issues faced by nonprofit agencies, including financial management, nonprofit entrepreneurship, ethnic and cultural awareness, strategic planning, and human resources and volunteer management. People who choose this specialization often wish to advance to nonprofit management positions or are considering starting their own nonprofit organization. As part of this specialization, you can use your electives to earn a concentration in Public Health or Homeland Security for no additional time or money.

Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Science in Emergency Management
Bachelor of Science in Finance
Bachelor of Science in General Psychology
Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management
Bachelor of Science in Health Informatics
Bachelor of Science in Homeland Security
Bachelor of Science in Human Resources Management
Bachelor of Science in Information Security and Assurance
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Leadership and Management
Bachelor of Science in Marketing
Bachelor of Science in Network Technology
Bachelor of Science in Nursing for Registered Nurse (RN to BSN)
Bachelor of Science in Project Management
Bachelor of Science in Retail Management
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering
Bachelors Degree in Public Administration
Certificate Program in Addiction Counseling
Certificate Program in College Teaching
Certificate Program in Criminal Justice
Certificate Program in Enrollment Management
Certificate Program in Health Administration
Certificate Program in Health Care Administration/Supervision
Certificate Program in Human Resources Management
Certificate Program in Information Security and Assurance
Certificate Program in Leadership
Certificate Program in Marriage and Family Therapy
Certificate Program in Non-Profit Management
Certificate Program in Professional Counseling
Certificate Program in Project Management
Certificate Program in Social and Community Service
Courses in Human Resource
Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting
Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice
Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy in Emergency Management
Doctor of Philosophy in General Business
Doctor of Philosophy in General Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy in Healthcare Administration
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Services
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Technology
Doctor of Philosophy in Instructional Design for Online Learning
Doctor of Philosophy in K-12 Special Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership for Higher Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership in Educational Administration
Doctor of Philosophy in Nonprofit Management and Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Organization & Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy in Postsecondary and Adult Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Professional Studies in Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Safety Executive Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Social and Community Service
Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Training and Performance Improvement
Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology
Doctoral Degree in Business Administration
Doctoral Degree in Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Doctoral Degree in Health Administration
Doctoral Degree in Health Leadership
Doctoral Degree in Health Policy
Doctoral Degree in Healthcare Leadership and Management
Doctoral Degree in Public Administration
Doctoral Degree in Social Work
Education Specialist in Curriculum and Instruction
Education Specialist in Leadership in Educational Administration
Master of Science in Addiction Counseling
Master of Science in Career Counseling
Master of Science in Child and Adolescent Development
Master of Science in Clinical Psychology
Master of Science in Counseling Psychology
Master of Science in Counseling Studies
Master of Science in Criminal Justice
Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction
Master of Science in Early Childhood Education
Master of Science in Educational Psychology
Master of Science in Emergency Management
Master of Science in Enrollment Management
Master of Science in Evaluation and Measurement
Master of Science in General Psychology
Master of Science in Gerontology
Master of Science in Healthcare Administration
Master of Science in Human Resources Management
Master of Science in Human Services
Master of Science in Information Technology
Master of Science in Instructional Design for Online Learning
Master of Science in K-12 Special Education
Master of Science in Leadership
Master of Science in Leadership Coaching
Master of Science in Leadership in Educational Administration
Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy
Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling
Master of Science in Non-Profit Management
Master of Science in Nursing Education
Master of Science in Organization Development and Leadership
Master of Science in Organizational Psychology
Master of Science in Postsecondary and Adult Education
Master of Science in Professional Studies in Education
Master of Science in Public Safety Executive Leadership
Master of Science in Reading and Literacy
Master of Science in School Counseling
Master of Science in School Psychology
Master of Science in Social and Community Service
Master of Science in Special Education
Master of Science in Sport Psychology for Peak Performance
Master of Science in Training and Performance Improvement
Masters Degree in Business Administration
Masters Degree in Health Administration
Masters Degree in Health Care Operations
Masters Degree in Health Management and Policy
Masters Degree in Health Policy
Masters Degree in Nursing Education
Masters Degree in Public Administration
Masters Degree in Public Health
Masters Degree in Social and Behavioral Sciences
Special Certificate in School Psychology