Serves: USA
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Iowa
City: Storm Lake
Street: 610 W. 4th Street
ZIP: 50588
Phone: 800-383-2821
Buena Vista University is a private four-year institution of higher education located in Storm Lake, Iowa. Founded in 1891 as Buena Vista College, it has evolved in the independent, regionally acclaimed, comprehensive university committed to providing education for service. The University is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church.
The traditional disciplines at BVU provide a framework for a curriculum which prepares students for the professions and life-long learning. BVU's academic programs feature a balance between traditional liberal arts courses and hands-on learning opportunities, such as travel and internships.
BVU grants its graduates with Bachelor degrees and Certificates in a variety of fields. In addition, it offers Master of Education degree programs both on-campus and online.
The BVU curriculum is designed to help students experience an integrated and intellectual education that would challenges them and provide them with the tools they need for a successful career or continuing education. The variety of programs undergraduate students can select from includes 34 majors, 33 minors, and 15 pre-professional programs.
Buena Vista University is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
Financial Aid
Financial Assistance is available to students from various sources and includes:
• Federal Student Aid (FAFSA);
• Grants: Pell Grants, Iowa Tuition Grants (ITG), Agency Support;
• Scholarships;
• Loans;
• Tuition Reimbursements.