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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: twice a year
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Massachusetts
City: Waltham
Street: 415 South Street
ZIP: 02453
Phone: (781) 736-2000
Master of Science in Project Management

Managing projects and programs brings together the hard skills of planning, estimating and budgeting with the soft skills of negotiation, conflict management, influencing and effective communication. This requires an integrated understanding of business functions and concerns at multiple levels of corporate operations, and involves the interdisciplinary study of management, leadership and technology.

The degree prepares students already working in project management for assignments of increasing complexity and responsibility. And it also provides a significant advantage to those wishing to advance into the field of project management.

Master of Science in the Management of Projects and Programs prepares to initiate, plan, execute, control, evaluate and close out projects in a way that assures the delivery of the negotiated scope and quality level while meeting time and budget constraints; effectively communicate the project/program status, issues, expectations and risks, both verbally and in writing, to project and program stakeholders; demonstrate how projects contribute to an organization's ability to realize its strategic goals and business benefits; and exercise management and leadership skills in the conduct of programs and projects of various size, scope, and complexity that may be international in nature.