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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: No
Contact Info:
State: Alabama
City: Montgomery
Street: 1200 Taylor Road
ZIP: 36117
Phone: 1.888.790.8080
Doctoral Degree in Ministry

The Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree program is created for qualified individuals currently engaged in ministry. The D.Min. program builds on and extends previous theological education and experience. This degree can be used to increase the general effectiveness of students or tailor their program toward a particular specialty. This program is aimed at helping students focus the efforts and develop the effectiveness of persons in ministry. The Amridge University program utilizes the candidate’s own work setting as a primary learning resource. Much of the course work involves in-service projects of direct benefit to the candidate’s ministry. The intent is to integrate these dimensions into a working totality for each minister. One of the most important features of this program is the integration at many levels: of religion and contemporary life, of professional work and personal life, and of the knowledge of the disciplines, incluing scripture, theology, church history, and the practice of ministry.

The program involves classes for disciplined study, critical reflection, and evaluation on ministry issues. Group interaction among peers aids this important process. The faculty will cultivate and encourage interaction that will promote openness, caring, and growth in the Christian ministry.

The D.Min. is distinguished from the M.Div. in that it demands a higher level of competence, more extensive analytical skills, and greater ability to do practical and thorough research related to ministry. The D.Min. is distinguished from a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) because it focuses specifically on excellence in practical ministry rather than academic research and languages.

Graduates of the Doctor of Ministry program will have gained:

1. a more in-depth knowledge of the Bible and skills to more effectively function in various roles in a church setting;

2. a more in-depth knowledge of the bible and ministry related subjects;

3. skills in studying and teaching the Bible;

4. experience in conducting bible or ministry related research;

5. knowledge and skills in accessing, selecting, judging, selecting, and extracting information from various sources;

6. skills in analyzing and interpreting research results;

7. experience in presenting in written form and defending research results;

8. skills to supervise and lead others in a ministry program; and

9. an insight and vision in planning church and related works.

These outcomes are assessed in the following course. A student may demonstrate achievement of these outcomes by receiving a passing grade in dissertation Module IV.

Programs offered by this school:
Associate of Arts in Liberal Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies
Bachelor of Science in Bible
Bachelor of Science in Human Development
Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Leadership
Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies
Bachelor of Science in Management Communication
Bachelor of Science in Public Safety and Business/Organization Security
Bachelor of Science in Public Safety and Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Science in Public Safety and Homeland Security
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in General Business
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Information Communication
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Management Information Systems
Doctor of Ministry in Family Therapy I
Doctor of Ministry in Family Therapy II
Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in Marriage and Family Therapy
Doctor of Philosophy in Professional Counseling
Doctoral Degree in Ministry
Master of Arts in Behavioral Leadership and Management
Master of Arts in Biblical Studies
Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy
Master of Arts in Practical Theology
Master of Arts in Professional Counseling
Master of Divinity in Marriage and Family Therapy
Master of Divinity in Ministry Leadership
Master of Divinity in Pastoral Counseling
Master of Divinity in Professional Counseling
Master of Science in Leadership and Management
Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy
Master of Science in Ministerial Training
Master of Science in Pastoral Counseling
Masters Degree in Divinity