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An online Master’s degree is a graduate academic degree offered by an online college or university that usually requires a Bachelor’s degree as a prerequisite for admission.

Study-Online Directory offers you a wide choice of reputable online degrees, which you can earn in a convenient for you way with no career interruption, commuting or fixed class hours. Online Master’s degree programs are ideally suited for working professionals who can benefit from the scheduling flexibility, time-savings and many additional advantages that online learning affords.
With Study-Online, you can find the best online Master’s degree programs offered by USA online colleges and universities. The most widespread types of Master’s degree in the US include the Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MS) and Master of Business Administration (MBA). There are, however, other specialized degree types you can choose from including Master of Education, Master of Divinity, Master of Engineering, Master of Fin Arts, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Science in Management and others.

Choose among the numerous online Master’s degree types and program concentrations in our directory and acquire the qualifications which will provide you with the in-demand knowledge and training that employers want. Candidates with Master’s degrees are increasingly recruited today by the employers in such fields as sales and marketing, information technology, nursing, engineering, finance, and education.
Study-Online provides you with a wide variety of online Master’s degree programs in different areas of study. The concentrations include the subjects of Accounting, Business Administration and MBA, Education Specializations, Graphics and Multimedia, Leadership, Management, Marketing, Public Administration, Religion and many others.