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Praxis Test

This is a test that is required by state departments of education of colleges and universities to measure the academic achievement and proficiency of individuals entering or completing teacher preparation programs. The PRAXIS tests are designed to be one of the final hurdles in your student career. Students may take any part of the PRAXIS exam separately or with another section. Over 44 states require the PRAXIS to be taken by students seeking a teaching certification. In addition, the PRAXIS can be taken approximately eight times during a calendar year. The questions focus on your ability to make decisions about relationships in data, sentence structure errors, and paragraph organization. The PRAXIS test requires that you understand the basic principles of Math and English and apply this to your academic skills.

PRAXIS I: Pre-Professional Skills Test
 The PRAXIS I: Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) consists of three exams: one in Reading, one in Mathmatics, and one in Writing. These tests measure basic academic skills and are normally taken by undergraduates in education programs. Also, some noneducation majors are required to take these exams to be certified to teach in some states.
In a nutshell, the PPST is a test most teachers will have to pass to be certified to teach.

PRAXIS II: Principles of Learning and Teaching
The PRAXIS II: Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) focuses on the basic principles of learning and teaching that are essential for running a classroom. These priciples are drawn from the theoretical foundation provided by key educational theorists and developmental psychologists.
Four PLTs are offered:
Early Childhood
Grades K-6
Grades 5-9
Grades 7-12

PRAXIS II: Subject Assessments
The PRAXIS II: Subject Assessments concentrate on specific skills required for each field of education.

For more information on PRAXIS visit,,

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