Who Takes the New York State Teacher Certification Exams (NYSTCE)? Students who wish to receive New York State initial certification in Early Childhood Education (Birth – Grade 2), Childhood Education (Grades 1-6), Middle Childhood / Adolescent Education ( Grades 5-12), English as a Second Language (K-12), Music (K-12), Art (K-12), Special Education Teaching (B-6, or 5-12) need to pass the following examinations: 1. Liberal Arts and Sciences Test (LAST) 2. Assessment of Teaching Skills – Written (ATS-W) 3. Content Specialty Test (CST)
Information on the New York State Test (NYSTCE) for Teachers LAST – Liberal Arts and Sciences * This test consists of two parts, 80 multiple choice questions and one essay. * The first part covers the subject area of math, science, history and language arts at a high school level. * You are given 4 hours in which to complete the exam; part one takes about 3 hours; do the essay first while you are fresh (before you have spent 3 hours answering multiple choice questions) – the essay is graded first. * In theory, every answer in the multiple choice is correct. More points are given for the best answer; fewer points are given for answers, which are not as good. * There are only 80 questions, even though the answer sheet has room for 120 answers. * Take the LAST as soon as you decide to pursue teaching certification.
ATS-W Assessment of Teaching Skills – Written * This test also consists of two parts, 80 multiple choice questions and one essay. * In every question a situation is presented and the testee must determine the best way to respond to it. * Many questions require the use of common sense, but remember to consider the age and level of the students in the situation. * Take the ATS-W when you have completed a good part of your education course work. * It is not advisable to take both the LAST and ATS-W in one sitting.
CST (Content Specialty Test) * There are currently 38 CST tests. * These tests contain multiple-choice questions. * CST’s for languages other than English and music also include taped listening and / or speaking components and writing components. * CSTs focus on the subject for which the certificate grants authorization to teach. * CSTs are required for initial certification.
For more information visit: New York State Teacher Certification Examinations and www.test-preparation.ca. For online practice test visit www.nystceexampracticetests.com
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