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New York State Test (NYSTCE) for Teachers

Who Takes the New York State Teacher Certification Exams (NYSTCE)?
Students who wish to receive New York State initial certification in Early Childhood Education (Birth – Grade 2), Childhood Education (Grades 1-6), Middle Childhood / Adolescent Education ( Grades 5-12), English as a Second Language (K-12), Music (K-12), Art (K-12), Special Education Teaching (B-6, or 5-12) need to pass the following examinations:
1. Liberal Arts and Sciences Test (LAST)
2. Assessment of Teaching Skills – Written (ATS-W)
3. Content Specialty Test (CST)

Information on the New York State Test (NYSTCE) for Teachers
LAST – Liberal Arts and Sciences
* This test consists of two parts, 80 multiple choice questions and one essay.
* The first part covers the subject area of math, science, history and language arts at a high school level.
* You are given 4 hours in which to complete the exam; part one takes about 3 hours; do the essay first while you are fresh (before you have spent 3 hours answering multiple choice questions) – the essay is graded first.
* In theory, every answer in the multiple choice is correct. More points are given for the best answer; fewer points are given for answers, which are not as good.
* There are only 80 questions, even though the answer sheet has room for 120 answers.
* Take the LAST as soon as you decide to pursue teaching certification.

ATS-W Assessment of Teaching Skills – Written
 * This test also consists of two parts, 80 multiple choice questions and one essay.
* In every question a situation is presented and the testee must determine the best way to respond to it.
* Many questions require the use of common sense, but remember to consider the age and level of the students in the situation.
* Take the ATS-W when you have completed a good part of your education course work.
* It is not advisable to take both the LAST and ATS-W in one sitting.

CST (Content Specialty Test)
* There are currently 38 CST tests.
* These tests contain multiple-choice questions.
* CST’s for languages other than English and music also include taped listening and / or speaking components and writing components.
* CSTs focus on the subject for which the certificate grants authorization to teach.
* CSTs are required for initial certification.

For more information visit: New York State Teacher Certification Examinations and

For online practice test visit

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