The TOEFL Exam is now being given online. The computer-based TOEFL test has four sections. The first two sections of the test Listening and Structure are computer-adaptive meaning that you will receive test questions targeted to your performance level. In these two sections, your first question will be of average difficulty. The question you receive next will be one that best fits your performance and the design of the test. In the Listening and Structure sections, you will be able to change your answer as often as you like until you have made your final choice, confirmed your answer, and moved on to the next one. Once you move on to the next question, you will NOT be allowed to go back to a previous question. Your answer to each question presented on the screen helps determine the difficulty level of the next question you will be given. You must answer at least one question in each section and compose an essay to receive an official score report.
Listening: Measures ability to understand English as it is spoken in North America. You will use headphones to listen to the conversations and talks. While you are listening, pictures of the speakers or other information will be presented on your computer screen. There are two parts to the Listening section, with special directions for each part. Computer-adaptive tests are scored differently than most paper-and-pencil tests. Your score on a CAT test depends on a combination of such factors as: The number of questions you answered within the allotted time. Your performance on questions answered throughout the test. The statistical characteristics of questions answered throughout the test (including difficulty level).
Each testing program has slightly different scoring rules. Be sure you read the section about scoring in the test-maker's Information Bulletin or Web site for the particular test you are taking.
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