The LSAT is the required entrance exam for most U.S. law schools. The LSAT is exceedingly important for your admissions chances and it is the most important admissions factor at most law schools. It is administered by the LSAC (Law School Admissions Council) four times each year and you can take it at a nearby location (see locations below).
If you took the SAT to get into college, then you know the routine. The test is a similar experience, but the LSAT is much harder.
The Bad News: Taking the LSAT is a marathon. The tests are a total of 175 minutes long and the writing sample is 30 minutes long. Add to that some administrative work and a break and the whole LSAT test day "experience" will take you about 4 to 5 hours. You will have to take practice tests in blocks of several hours to simulate the test day experience.
The Good News: The LSAT doesn't tend to change much from year to year. It has been essentially the same test for ten years. This means that if you take enough practice tests and learn the right strategies, you can effectively prepare for the test.
The LSAT Test Sections The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is a multiple-choice test used by law schools to help them select candidates. The LSAT consists of five multiple choice sections with a total of about 101 questions. In addition to the above multiple choice sections (Logical Reasoning, Logic Games, Reading Comprehension), you will have to produce a Writing Sample short essay. The essay is not scored, but it is sent with your application to law schools. Law schools usually do not use it as a significant part of your admissions process. Nevertheless, it is important to put effort into writing this essay in the off chance that it is read. Since many people use admissions consultants to write their admissions essays, the LSAT essay is the one place where admissions evaluators can see how you actually write.
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