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Admissions tests are written or practical tests used by a great number of institutions as a selection tool for some of their courses and programs. They are required by numerous professional faculties and graduate schools.
Institutions may conduct their own tests or use an external body to administer the test. Admission tests allow admission officers to fairly compare students who have come from a wide variety of different schools who have different grading policies.
Most four–year colleges and universities rely on standardized tests to determine the readiness for college–level study. A good test score can help the future students enter their school of choice, obtain scholarships, and receive advanced placement or college credit.
Many admission exams are held through th test centers operating on its own schedule and can accommodate varying numbers of test takers throughout the day. Registration for the test is available online, by phone, by mail, or by fax.
There are a number of organizations that offer preparation courses, publish preparation materials, and provide general information for admission tests.