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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: USA
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: North Carolina
City: Winston-Salem
Street: 601 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
ZIP: 27110
Phone: (336) 750-2070
Winston-Salem State University was founded as the Slater Industrial Academy on September 28, 1892. In 1895, the school was recognized by the state of North Carolina, and in 1897 it was chartered by the Slater Industrial and State Normal School. Later in 1969 it was renamed to Winston-Salem Teachers College. In 1972 it was merged into the University of North Carolina system.

Winston-Salem State University's campus is located at the eastern gateway to Winston-Salem's growing downtown area. Winston-Salem, known as "The City of the Arts," is home to a wide variety of visual and performing arts, several museums and museum shops, live music venues, theaters, and nightlife offerings for everyone.

Winston-Salem State University is a premier, master's level public institution that develops the skills and values students need to contribute and succeed in the changing economy of the 21st Century. The university's curriculum also prepares all students to use the latest technologies as powerful tools for continuous learning, career advancement and personal enrichment.

Winston-Salem State University offers distance learning with other modes of course delivery. Distance learning methods include on-line programs with faculty-led classes at Off-Campus sites, videotape, cable television, technology-assisted instruction including use of the Internet and interactive telecommunications, and other media. Winston-Salem, which operates on a semester system, promises full faculty availability for those taking classes away from campus. Sixty-eight percent of a recent group of applicants gained entry into the university. While technologies are used to provide instruction, instructional support, and student development services, Winston-Salem State University emphasizes customer service and responsiveness to the needs and concerns of all its students.

Winston-Salem State University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.


Patricia King
I am very satisfied with my experience at Winston Salem State University thus far. I have completed 3 classes and will be done with my 4th next week. The online experience is very valuable for working adults especially those like me, who have children. As far as my financial aid, I qualified for it, was never harassed by Winston Salem University to pay anything before my aid was approved and I also received a stipend right before Christmas. I love the flexibility and freedom when logging into post assignments. My children enjoy seeing me so involved in getting my degree and their response to me is quite rewarding as well. All in all I will say Winston Salem State University is a great school to consider.