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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Minnesota
City: Minneapolis
Street: 155 Fifth Ave S, Suite 100
ZIP: 55401
Phone: 800-925-3368
Walden University is an entirely online institution, without a campus. Face-to-face residencies (for doctoral and some master’s programs) are offered at convenient times and locations.

Walden’s online study is asynchronous, in other words  you can enroll when it’s convenient for you within an assigned period. Weekly discussion topics, required readings, and assignments will all be listed in the online syllabus provided by your instructor.
Many Walden programs use a Personal Start Page that offers central access to your courses, student information, and support services. You can log in to your course through a Web browser on any computer anywhere.

The curriculum includes:
• Learning objectives
• An assignment schedule
• Instructor contact information
• Course and university policies, including grading criteria
• Information on how to submit assignments
• Links to electronic course resources, such as online readings
• Titles of books you will need to purchase via Walden’s bookstore

Exchanging Ideas
When you become a member of  the university’s online learning environment, you are pleased to read postings from your classmates and faculty member and add to the discussions, as all students are required to participate. The flow of online dialogue is preserved so that you can retrace the conversation. Such an exchange of diverse ideas, perspectives, and experiences with peers  will enrich your experience and knowledge.  Students can also take quizzes, tests, or exams online. These often open and close at predetermined times and require you to complete them in a set amount of time.

Online classrooms include:
• Dropbox: For submitting assignments to your instructor
• Chat: For real-time communication with classmates
• Gradebook: To view your grades and check your progress

Walden’s doctoral programs and M.S. in Mental Health Counseling program have face-to-face residencies held throughout the year at locations across the United States. Residencies allow you to collaborate directly with faculty, staff, and other students in seminars, classes, and individual advising sessions.
Depending on the program, online courses are provided in
• 16-week semesters (some with consecutive 8-week courses)
• 12-week quarters (some with consecutive 6-week courses)
Start dates are offered throughout the year so that you can begin your program when it’s convenient for you.

Having enrolled to Walden University you are able to get services from:
• Award-winning Student Support Team to guide you in the online learning environment
• Librarians who will help you identify, evaluate, and obtain resources
• Writing center staff who will assist you with graduate-level writing
• Academic advisors to help with policies and procedures
• The Career Services Center for practical professional development tools and advice
• Research Center staff to help you develop, fund, and disseminate your master's and doctoral research
• Fellow students who will collaborate on assignments and offer their insights
• Undergraduate tutoring in writing, math, science, and other topics

Tuition and Financial Aid
Walden University provides you with various financial aid options , such as:
- Federal Financial Aid
- Scholarships
- Fellowships
- Other Funding Options


Tomas Ruffy
I am currently ABD in Educational Psychology from Walden. I received my MS from them as well in general psych. I have two undergraduate degrees from traditional schools. Before entering my master's program I had the same concerns as everyone else.

Online education is facing a crossroads. On the one hand, the move to online education is growing rapidly with new programs being implemented by online schools and traditional schools offering more online courses. On the other hand, there is still a general consensus by the public that online education is a cake-walk, and surely commercials stressing the ability to take classes in your pj's doesn't help that image.

Consulting literature, however, there is a growing number of studies being done supporting online education for several reasons. Cognitively, adults learn better through application. Following the constructivist theory, one can identify several benefits to online education: it requires personal accountability for learning, it provides the opportunity for personal control over their learning, and it requires one to use critical thinking to apply learning to useful and desired skills.

With any university you are looking at, there will be pros and cons with all of them, traditional or online, so it is best to know what you want out of your education, recognize your situation, then make the right choice FOR YOU. Second, after attending traditional universities, I can say that Walden has been much more challenging in it's requirements and therefore, more beneficial...IF YOU USE IT! Walden will provide you with the tools but you have to apply yourself. Walden is NOT a cake-walk university or a diploma mill!

I can say that I feel Walden has given me a far superior opportunity for critical understanding of my education topics as opposed to the basic retention I got from traditional universities. Now, for those of you considering a licensing specialization in psychology, while Walden is an accredited university, it does not have an APA approved program in psychology (no strictly online school does). Make sure you know your state's requirements. I know though that Walden graduates are being licensed so do what is right for you.

Just because a school is traditional doesn't make them good. Likewise, just because a school is online doesn't make it bad. Think about what you need, what you want, and examine both online and traditional schools. Find the one that works best for you. The degrees from Walden are legit, not from a diploma mill. You have to work hard to get it, and a lot don't make it. YOU make the degree. YOU set the value on it through your own hard work and what you take from it. YOU have to sell yourself, your talent, your skills, and your dedication to employers regardless of where you got the degree. Finally, no matter what you read here follow your own instinct. You know what's best for you, not us!
Good luck!

Margaret Griffin
I recently graduated from Walden University with an MBA and overall am very pleased with the experience. I will say that there is quite a large amount of information I did not retain due to the extreme fast pace of the program. Yet, I was able to keep many of the textbooks and will probably brush up if and when necessary for my work.
I wasn't too thrilled with the quality of the instructors. They had impressive career backgrounds, but lacked in the skills necessary to make a good professor. Oftentimes they were also condescending which I find inexcusable, especially given the fact that most of us were busy, professional adults, not children.
An online education is one where the student drives the experience. You get out of it what you put into it and I believe all online schools can be measured somewhat equally in this regard. Walden, however, might be a better choice for many though because it doesn't have a negative reputation in the business community as the University of Phoenix already seems to have.

Jimmy Butler
Anyone who is looking for a bachelors degree in business needs to look no further!!! Don't be fooled by the other online schools and their BSBA programs! Once I spoke with a counselor at Walden they really helped me understand the online process. Group work is minimal and you will not be penalized if someone in your group does not do what they are suppose to do. I love Walden so far! Its a great program with great instructors and it is a very easy system to use. I was at UoP for a couple classes and this system here is way more user friendly! The bachelors program is great! I highly recommend it to anyone!!!!

Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Bachelor of Science in Application Development, Testing, and Quality Assurance
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Child and Adolescent Development
Bachelor of Science in Child Development
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Management and Administration
Bachelor of Science in Cultural Diversity
Bachelor of Science in Database Administration and Data Center Operations
Bachelor of Science in Education Studies
Bachelor of Science in Emergency and Disaster Management
Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management
Bachelor of Science in Health Communication
Bachelor of Science in Health Informatics
Bachelor of Science in Health Management
Bachelor of Science in Homeland Security
Bachelor of Science in Human Computer Interaction
Bachelor of Science in Human Services
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Security
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Instructional Design and Systems Technology
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies
Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies
Bachelor of Science in Marketing Communications
Bachelor of Science in Media Studies
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Online Work and Communities
Bachelor of Science in Organizational Change
Bachelor of Science in Organizational Communications
Bachelor of Science in Preschool Specialization
Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Behavioral Studies
Bachelor of Science in Psychology Applied to Everyday Life
Bachelor of Science in Psychology Applied to the Helping Professions
Bachelor of Science in Public Management
Bachelor of Science in Public Relations
Bachelor of Science in Public Service
Bachelor of Science in Security and Forensics
Bachelor of Science in Web Design
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Finance
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Human Resources Management
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in International Business
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Management
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Marketing
Certificate Program in Child Psychology
Certificate Program in Engineering Management
Certificate Program in Instructional Design
Certificate Program in Software Project Management
Certificate Program in Software Testing
Certificate Program in Systems Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting
Doctor of Philosophy in Adult Education Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy in Community College Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Community Health Promotion and Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling
Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice
Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction
Doctor of Philosophy in Early Childhood Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Technology
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Doctor of Philosophy in Finance
Doctor of Philosophy in General Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy in Health Management and Policy
Doctor of Philosophy in Health Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy in Health Services
Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Homeland Security Policy and Coordination
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Services
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Services/Counseling
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Servises/Administration
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Servises/Clinical Social Work
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Servises/Family Studies and Intervention Strategies
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Servises/Social Policy Analysis and Planning
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems Management
Doctor of Philosophy in International Nongovernmental Organizations
Doctor of Philosophy in K-12 Education Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership and Organizational Change
Doctor of Philosophy in Local Government Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Non-Profit Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Operations Research
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Management and Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy and Administration
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Safety Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Self-Designed Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education
Doctoral Degree in Administrator Leadership for Teaching and Learning
Doctoral Degree in Entrepreneurship
Doctoral Degree in Finance
Doctoral Degree in Global Supply Chain Management
Doctoral Degree in Higher Education and Adult Learning
Doctoral Degree in Information Systems Management
Doctoral Degree in International Business
Doctoral Degree in Leadership
Doctoral Degree in Marketing
Doctoral Degree in Teacher Leadership
Education Specialist in Administrator Leadership for Teaching and Learning
Education Specialist in Educational Leadership and Administration
Education Specialist in Educational Technology
Education Specialist in Teacher Leadership
Graduate Certificate in Competitive Product Management
Graduate Certificate in Government Management
Graduate Certificate in Non-Profit Management
Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship
Master of Business Administration in Finance
Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Innovation
Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Management
Master of Business Administration in Human Resources Management
Master of Business Administration in International Business
Master of Business Administration in Leadership
Master of Business Administration in Marketing
Master of Business Administration in Project Management
Master of Business Administration in Risk Management
Master of Business Administration in Technology
Master of Science in Accounting
Master of Science in Accounting/Management
Master of Science in Adult Education
Master of Science in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (Grades K–12)
Master of Science in Design Studies
Master of Science in Distance Learning
Master of Science in Diversity in the Classroom
Master of Science in Educational Leadership
Master of Science in Elementary Reading and Literacy (Grades K–6)
Master of Science in Elementary Reading and Mathematics (Grades K–6)
Master of Science in Entrepreneurship
Master of Science in Forensic Psychology
Master of Science in General Management
Master of Science in Health Informatics
Master of Science in Health Policy
Master of Science in Health Psychology
Master of Science in Higher Education
Master of Science in Higher Education - College Teaching and Learning
Master of Science in Higher Education Leadership
Master of Science in Homeland Security Policy and Coordination
Master of Science in Human Resource Leadership
Master of Science in Instructional Design for Online Learning
Master of Science in Integrated Technology
Master of Science in Leadership Development
Master of Science in Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas (Grades 6–12)
Master of Science in Local Government Management
Master of Science in Marriage & Family Counseling
Master of Science in Mathematics
Master of Science in Media Psychology and Social Change
Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling
Master of Science in Middle Level Education
Master of Science in Nonprofit Management and Leadership
Master of Science in Nursing - Leadership and Management
Master of Science in Nursing Education
Master of Science in Nursing Informatics
Master of Science in Organizational Psychology and Development
Master of Science in Professional Development
Master of Science in Project Management
Master of Science in Psychology
Master of Science in Public Management and Leadership
Master of Science in Public Policy Analysis
Master of Science in Science(Grades K-8)
Master of Science in Social Psychology
Master of Science in Software Engineering
Master of Science in Software Engineering Management
Master of Science in Software Testing
Master of Science in Special Education
Master of Science in Systems Engineering
Master of Science in Teacher Leadership
Master of Science in Training and Performance Improvement
Masters Degree in Business Administration
Masters Degree in Business Information Management
Masters Degree in Healthcare Administration
Masters Degree in Information Systems Management
Masters Degree in Public Health