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Enrollment: Spring, Summer
Financial Aid: No
Scholarships: No
Contact Info:
State: British Columbia
City: Vancouver
Street: 1575 Johnston Street
ZIP: V6H 3R9
Phone: 604-926-9381
Founded in 1982 as a non-profit society and charitable organization, the institute has been accredited by the Private Career Training Institutions Agency of British Columbia since 1998. It is committed to provide high quality educational experience that cultivates student creativity, self-awareness, and therapeutic competence. The main objective of VATI is to train art therapists who are active members of the art therapy community, and good ambassadors to the larger community.

VATI offers coursework that is delivered by a diverse and accomplished faculty. This allows the students to develop a solid understanding of current theory and practice in the field. Students must successfully complete classroom-based coursework, experiential learning exercises, 700 hours of practicum experience, and a final project to graduate. Additionally the Institute provides art therapy as a service to the community-at-large via student practicum placements. Students are placed at agencies, schools, and hospitals throughout the Lower Mainland. Students gather required practicum hours while offering this valuable service to the community.

The Vancouver Art Therapy Institute offers three Art Therapy training programs. These 3 training programs follow the guidelines for training art therapists as established by the British Columbia, Canadian, and American Art Therapy Associations.

Art therapy continues to develop as a profession many graduates of VATI have been instrumental in taking their training all over Canada and the around the globe.  The recognition of art therapy as a healing modality is increasingly acclaimed and acknowledged as a unique form of treatment. Art therapists work within local and national communities where contributions are being made to society at large.  The challenging world makes place for art therapists who wish to work in war torn environments or areas facing natural disasters.


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