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Study Online - Online Universities - The University of Texas at Brownsville    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: semesters
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: No
Contact Info:
State: Texas
City: Brownsville
Street: 80 Ft Brown
ZIP: 78520
Phone: (956) 544-8200
The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College, shortly known as UTB/TSC or UTB-TSC. After partnership between Texas Southmost College and the University of Texas-Pan American at Brownsville, the University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College has been a growing force in South Texas higher education. Through this unique partnership between UTB and TSC, students receive the hometown flavor a community college, while at the same time the rigors of a four-year institution.

Firstly in 1926 Texas Southmost College was known as The Junior College of the Lower Rio Grande Valley. In 1973, Texas Southmost College formed a partnership with the University of Texas-Pan American. As a result institution was named as Pan American University at Brownsville. Later in 1989 it was joined the University of Texas System. And in 1991 the University of Texas Pan-American at Brownsville was renamed to The University of Texas at Brownsville.

The main mission is to provide accessible, affordable, postsecondary education of high quality, to conduct research which expands knowledge and to present programs of workforce training and continuing education, public service, and cultural value.

The University of Texas at Brownsville offers Distance Education. The office of Distance Education offers broad variety of online courses and programs. The University offers many Bachelor’s and Master’s degree program through Distance Education.

Financial aid forms are FAFSA. Financial aid for students is readily accessible at this school. For priority students, financial aid applications are due no later than the 1st of April.


Marcie Oliver
I've been in the Ed Tech program for 2 years and have had a different experience in each class. In some classes, we met in an online chat room, sometimes through conference calls, and most often, through a discussion board, and now, blogs. The instructors in this program are readily available and have responded to my emails and phone calls within a few hours or a few days, which made them a lot more accessible than many of my instructors during the undergraduate days. If this program had not been available on-line, I would not have been able to pursue a masters at this time. The flexibility I have in this program is fantastic.

Martin Buffet
Great program that really prepares you for a career in Educational Technology field. Instructors are very helpful and fair. The classes are very professional and designed to accomnodate students that need to work full time and earn a degree. The Blackboard program that is used runs into glitches from time to time, and the support that is offered for that is not always the best. But that is not under the control of this program. Usually is best to go to the instructors for help with technical problems.