Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Tennessee
City: Martin
Street: 227 Admin. Bldg.
ZIP: 38238
Phone: 1-866-587-7589
The University of Tennessee at Martin is a campus in the University of Tennessee system. This is the only public four-year university in West Tennessee outside Memphis.
The University began in 1900 as Hall-Moody Institute in Martin, Tennessee, a Baptist junior college. In 1967 it was designated as a primary campus of the UT system and given its current name. The school grew greatly in the post-World War II era, largely under the influence of the G. I. Bill of Rights, and again in the 1960s.
The main goal of the University of Tennessee at Martin is to provide a quality undergraduate education in a traditional collegiate atmosphere characterized at all levels by close relationships among students and faculty. In addition, the graduate and distributed learning programs meet life-long educational needs for all seeking knowledge. The University is committed to public service and applied research efforts to enhance the economic, educational, aesthetic, and cultural life of the region.
Our University offers strong academic programs in a vibrant, exciting campus community. It has five Colleges: College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, College of Business and Public Affairs, College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, College of Engineering and Natural Sciences, College of Humanities and Fine Arts.
UT Martin is home to UT Online, the University of Tennessee’s online degree programs for both undergraduate and graduate degrees. It is growing about 20% annually at the undergraduate level.
The University offers financial aid for its students. It helps students maximize their financial aid eligibility through a personalized student centered environment using a highly efficient and compliant financial aid delivery system. Our aim is to remove financial barriers for those seeking higher education and support efforts to encourage students to aspire and plan for education beyond high school.