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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Illinois
City: Champaign
Street: 510 Devonshire Drive, Suite H
ZIP: 61820
Phone: (866) 633-8465
The University of Illinois is a system of public universities in Illinois. Each campus, headed by a Chancellor, makes specific and different contributions to the University's all-encompassing missions. The campuses are supported by intercampus collaboration and by University-wide services, yet carry out their academic functions with a high degree of delegated authority and autonomy.

n addition to the main campuses, the University has health professions sites in Rockford, Peoria and the Quad Cities, continuing education centers in suburban and downstate Illinois, a major teaching hospital and Extension offices in many of the state's 102 counties.

The University of Illinois Global Campus brings you high-quality online education programs created in collaboration with the colleges and academic departments at the University's residential campuses at Urbana-Champaign, Chicago, and Springfield.

The most talented students of our nation are attracted to the University due to the hundreds of undergraduate, graduate and professional programs, among which lots are ranked among the best in the United States. Besides, we are the state's largest educator – approximately 70,000 students are enrolled at our campuses and thousands more take classes off campus and online.

Thanks to our internationally renowned faculty, that win more federal research dollars than all other public Illinois universities and colleges combined, the University of Illinois has become a world leader in research and discovery. All this resulted in priceless new knowledge and life-changing breakthroughs in medicine, agriculture and technology.

Moreover, the University plays a huge role in the state's economy. The University's operation means billions in direct spending in Illinois and full-time employment for more than 25,000. And the increased earning power of hundreds of thousands of alumni living in Illinois results in additional tax revenue for our state.

The University of Illinois is a university that belongs to the people of Illinois. Our faculty, staff and students share their knowledge and expertise and the resources of the University with citizens in every corner of the state through more than 700 public service and outreach programs.

Financial Aid
Students enrolled in an online program leading to a degree may be eligible for financial aid. Students enrolled in certificate programs or taking courses as non-degree are not eligible for federal financial aid.


David Franklin
For the past century, Illinois has been the academically most powerful university in the Big Ten.

Randy Torres
The Univerisity of Illinois is a hidden gem in the heart and sole of Illinois. Although it is stuck out in the corn, the university has its own atmosphere and city-like appeal. Having gone through a major face lift in the past 20 years, Illinois offers a top notch education and some fine living accommodations.
Two of the five colleges at the Univerisity of Illinois are top ranked schools nationally. The Engineering and Business colleges will give you the tools to succeed in life. Also the university boasts one of the largest greek systems in the county. This allows for an unlimited amount of social interaction, whether you join a fraternity or sorority your freshman or you simply go the the parties year after year. Along with a vast greek system tech university has other a thousand RSO's (registered student organizations). From rock climbing to rugby, dance and debate a student will find one of their interests in a RSO.
Make Illinois your first choice!!! You won't regret it!

Programs offered by this school:
Advanced Certificate in Cardiometabolic Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelors Degree in Business Administration
Bachelors Degree in Economics
Bachelors Degree in English
Bachelors Degree in History
Bachelors Degree in Liberal Studies
Bachelors Degree in Mathematical Sciences
Bachelors Degree in Philosophy
Certificate Program in Bioinformatics
Certificate Program in Clinical Research Methods
Certificate Program in Community and Public Health Practice
Certificate Program in Community Health
Certificate Program in Educational Research
Certificate Program in Electromagnetics Technology
Certificate Program in Emergency Management and Continuity Planning
Certificate Program in Engineering Law and Management
Certificate Program in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Certificate Program in Environmental Health Informatics
Certificate Program in Fire Fighter
Certificate Program in Forensic Nursing
Certificate Program in Global Labor Studies
Certificate Program in Health Informatics
Certificate Program in Horticulture
Certificate Program in Materials Failure Analysis
Certificate Program in Math Teacher Training
Certificate Program in Non-Profit Management
Certificate Program in Nursing Leadership
Certificate Program in Online Secondary Math
Certificate Program in Online Teaching
Certificate Program in Project Management
Certificate Program in Public Health
Certificate Program in Public Health Informatics
Certificate Program in School Nurse
Certificate Program in Secondary Mathematics Education
Certificate Program in Strategic Technology Management
Certificate Program in Teaching/Learning in Nursing and Health Sciences
Certificate Program in Technology Management
Certificate Program in Wireless Communications
Courses in Legal Aspects in Education
Courses in Veterinary
Graduate Certificate in Business Management for Engineers
Graduate Certificate in Business Process Management
Graduate Certificate in Community College Education
Graduate Certificate in Computer Security
Graduate Certificate in Information Systems
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Project Management
Graduate Certificate in Management of E-Learning
Graduate Certificate in Materials Science and Engineering
Graduate Certificate in Networks and Distributed Systems
Graduate Certificate in Patient Safety Leadership
Graduate Certificate in Patient Safety, Error Science and Full Disclosure
Graduate Certificate in Software Engineering
Graduate Certificate in Software Systems Engineering
Master of Arts in Agricultural Education
Master of Arts in Health Communication
Master of Arts in Health Informatics
Master of Arts in Legal Studies
Master of Arts in Library and Information Science
Master of Arts in Management Information Systems
Master of Arts in Patient Safety Leadership
Master of Arts in Recreation and Tourism
Master of Education in Community College Education
Master of Education in Curriculum, Technology, and Education Reform
Master of Education in Diversity and Equity Issues in Education
Master of Education in E-learning
Master of Education in Educational Leadership
Master of Education in Global Studies
Master of Education in Health Education
Master of Education in Human Resource Development
Master of Education in Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics and Assessment
Master of Education in New Learning and New Literacies
Master of Education in Teaching Critical Thinking
Master of Science in Computer Science
Master of Science in Crop Sciences
Master of Science in Environmental and Natural Resources
Master of Science in Food Science and Human Nutrition
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Science in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Master of Science in Social Services Administration
Master of Science in Teacher Leadership
Masters Degree in Community Health Education
Masters Degree in Computer Science
Masters Degree in Engineering
Masters Degree in Health Education
Masters Degree in Public Administration
Masters Degree in Public Health
Masters Degree in Public Health
Masters Degree in Public Health Informatics
Postbaccalaureate certificate in Health Care Management
Postbaccalaureate certificate in Health Informatics