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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: No
Contact Info:
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Street: 2211 South Josephine
ZIP: 80208
Phone: (303) 871-3315
The University of Denver (DU), the oldest self-governing university in the Rocky Mountain region, is the leading liberal arts university established in 1864. Besides its rich history, DU is recognized for its research and first-rate teaching.

All of the University bachelor’s, master’s degrees, and Certificates of Advanced Study can be taken completely online. The system is interactive, lets students work collaboratively in active discussion boards and chat rooms, and encourages the swap of ideas and the development of a learning community. This interaction embraces broad communication with faculty members via the Internet, virtual teams, individual and group assignments, online projects, and online papers and connects students to professionals from all over the world.

University of Denver has great faculty members, all with sophisticated degrees, who are practicing experts in the fields in which they educate. At any time there are 20 to 30 faculty members teaching online.

To apply for admission to, students must fill out an application and a degree plan. Registration is accessible on the University’s Web site.

Entrance exams are not obligatory. Students who are applying for admission to the master’s degree programs must have a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited school and a minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA. Besides, applicants must submit an essay, a career objective statement, and letters of recommendation.

Financial Aid     
A number of financial assistance programs are offered to assist students. The University of Denver’s Office of Student Financial Services handles all financial assistance applications.

Student Services     
University of Denver is committed to providing entire student services online. This embraces admissions, registration, student counseling, online resources through the library, access to the bookstore, and a personalized career advisor. There is an absolute support team for technical matters as well as student support and training.


Kerry Davidson
I have been satisfied so far with my English major at DU. The department professor are extremely bright and they are very accessible. Denver is a great city and DU has been a great school thus far.

Tim Patel
DU is truly an exceptional school that allows for a diversity of interests. I have talked to friends who are Pre-Med majors and DU often sends its students to some of the best medical schools in the country. The International Relations Program is strong, as well as Business and Political Science departments. Denver is a fun city with a bustling active mentality. I come from the East Coast and DU definitely has a great appeal to students from all over the country.

James Osborn
DU isn't that great for academics, but they do make it possible for you to get a lot of real-world experience while you're an undergraduate. There's a lot of fellowship/resource money floating around campus for international or experiential learning. The school is set up to facilitate studying abroad and interning - these experiences have helped me quite a lot.

Programs offered by this school:
Advanced Certificate in Training and Development
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts
Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership and Organizational Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy and Social Services
Bachelor of Arts in Science and Technology
Graduate Certificate in Alternative Dispute Resolution
Graduate Certificate in Broadband
Graduate Certificate in Computer Information Systems
Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing
Graduate Certificate in Database Administrator
Graduate Certificate in Distributed Object-Oriented Analysis & Design
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Health & Safety Management
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Information Management
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Policy
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Project Management
Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems
Graduate Certificate in Global Affairs
Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Administration
Graduate Certificate in Information Security
Graduate Certificate in Information Systems Security
Graduate Certificate in International Markets
Graduate Certificate in Natural Resource Management
Graduate Certificate in Organizational Security and Management
Graduate Certificate in Project Management
Graduate Certificate in Public Relations & Marketing
Graduate Certificate in Research and Development Management
Graduate Certificate in Strategic Management
Graduate Certificate in Telecommunications Management
Graduate Certificate in Telecommunications Technology
Graduate Certificate in Translation Studies
Graduate Certificate in Visual Art and Design
Graduate Certificate in Web Design and Development
Graduate Certificate in Wireless Networking
Master of Liberal Studies in Arts and Literature
Master of Liberal Studies in Creative Writing
Master of Liberal Studies in Global Affairs
Master of Liberal Studies in Visual Art and Design
Masters Degree in Alternative Dispute Resolution
Masters Degree in Applied Communication
Masters Degree in Broadband
Masters Degree in Database Administrator
Masters Degree in Emergency Planning and Administration
Masters Degree in Environmental Health & Safety Management
Masters Degree in Environmental Management
Masters Degree in Environmental Policy
Masters Degree in Geographic Information Systems
Masters Degree in Human Resources Management
Masters Degree in Information and Communication Technologies
Masters Degree in Information Security
Masters Degree in Information Systems Security
Masters Degree in Natural Resource Management
Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership
Masters Degree in Organizational Security and Management
Masters Degree in Project Management
Masters Degree in Public Relations & Marketing
Masters Degree in Strategic Management
Masters Degree in Technical Management
Masters Degree in Telecommunications Technology
Masters Degree in Training and Development
Masters Degree in Translation Studies
Masters Degree in Web Design and Development
Masters Degree in World History