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Study Online - Online Universities - University of Arkansas at Little Rock    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: twice a year
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Arkansas
City: Little Rock
Street: 2801 S University Ave
ZIP: 72204
Phone: (501) 569-3000
The University of Arkansas at Little Rock was established as Little Rock Junior College in 1927. The institution became a private four-year university under the name Little Rock University, in 1957. It returned to public status in 1969 when it merged and co-created the University of Arkansas System under its present name.

As Arkansas’ leading metropolitan university, UALR is committed to responding to the needs of the community by creating active links between the campus, community, and commerce. UALR serves a different kind of student – about half are balancing families, careers, and school. The University is also able to put its students in close contact with the state’s most influential leaders in government, business, industry, medicine, and information technology because of its location in Arkansas’ capital city.

Online Learning
It’s all about flexibility with UALR’s online learning. We let you define your time and your terms, and online classes empower you to determine your future success. 

UALR is the leader in Arkansas for online classes and online programs for undergraduate and graduate students. Whether you want to save gas, spend more quality time with family, or just enhance your career options, UALR’s online courses offer a welcome change and flexibility for your busy life.

Online classes use the Internet to allow UALR students take advantage of a distance education medium. Instructors use online courses to present course materials, hold electronic discussion groups, provide Internet links to applicable sites, and administer chat sessions.

Online students must have weekly access to a computer with a current web browser and Internet access. Some online course instructors may require on-campus or proctored testing, and others meet with their classes only electronically.

Financial Aid
UALR offers aid from various sources including federal and state governments, colleges, and private organizations, to help you pay for your studies. Financial aid and scholarships are meant to supplement your family’s ability to pay for college costs including tuition and fees, room and board, books, supplies, transportation, and other educational expenses.

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.


Taylor Richardson
My program of study was good, plus we have excellent facilities at the university. It will be a good option for students if they opt this university.

Monica Clarson
It's nice if you are an older student...most people here are 'returning' students 23+. If you are looking for a real social life, UALR is not the best choice for that! While we do have clubs, it's on a lower scale. You will make friends pretty easy, people are very nice, but all in all most students aren't straight out of high school, they are older and most with children of there own.

Some teachers are great, and know you have a life beyond this place...others are sticklers on attendance, so ask around before your register for your classes as to which teacher is best for you.

Edward Dickson
I am happy with my program of study. They are good; I face no problems from them. Lecture halls are excellent here; library is too big, one with complete facilities for opting good books. We have a good student centre which is fully equipped with all kinds of items.