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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington, DC
Street: 1133 15th Street, NW,Suite 200
ZIP: 20005
Phone: 202.408.2400
Strayer University has been educating for 115 years and has become the expert in enabling  students to continue their education by providing many options regarding when, where, and how to take  classes.

Beside campus classes we also provide with online courses that you can keep up with no matter where you need to be. That means you can take some of your classes on campus and some online, in real time or any time.

We accept students from diverse academic backgrounds and work experience, and it is possible to transfer credits from qualified institutions. You could also be eligible for life experience credit for work in your field of study.
Admission to a specific program may require prerequisite courses as a foundation before advanced work can be completed.

Financial Aid
As Strayer University strives to make your study  as affordable,as it's possible, our Business Office can help you identify, understand and qualify for a variety of financing and financial aid options.

Online Study
Strayer University offers the option of making your study flexible through the online courses that will  help you to fit education into your live of busy working professional. This flexible option enables you to learn in real time – or any time – making it easier to fit pursuing higher education in with your other responsibilities. You have the great choice of combining online learning with campus classes, or you can take your entire program online, thereby accommodating even the busiest schedules.

Online courses are challenging and require the same high standards as classroom courses.Online learning is a different way of taking classes. It provides  the same knowledge, is taught by the same faculty, and is held to the same high academic standards as our campus classes. Strayer University offers both real-time (synchronous) and any time (asynchronous) class formats so you’ll have the flexibility you need to schedule your classes around your life. Strayer University's online system is intuitive, easy to use, flexible, and convenient, making it an attractive educational option for working adults.


Kim Maxwell
A seriously solid school with great credentials! SUO was also really affordable and classes were so convenient, I could go to school without having to give up my day job!

Erica Pitts
I graduated in March of 2008 with my Bachelors degree. A year before I began a job in the accounting field and found that I not only knew what I was doing I was able to expand the bookkeeping process to include much of what the accountant usually does and make her job much easier. The professors either had jobs in the area which they were teaching or if they were now full time professors then previous to that they had held full time jobs in the accounting profession. This added an element of experience with course work.

I did have some issues with the state grant, it seems the school never filed on time and I lost all state grants which would have been money I would not have had to pay back. They dropped the ball and I had to pay for their mistake.

All and All I felt I had received a quality education. Although I got the impression if I were to have continued with my Masters program, I am not sure they would have had the professors in house to be capable of teaching that high of course work. I could be wrong.

I did take half of my course work online (all classes which were not accounting related) and found that it was much involved and required lots of writing and dialog with other students and the professor assigned to the course.

One other note, I had a professor who had taught at Temple University (the school I had transferred from) and asked him what he thought of the quality of education and he felt it was equivalent to Temple if not more difficult, only because at Strayer you meet one time per week for 4 hours rather than spreading out the weeks lesson over two or three classes.

Rae Stacey
I started my first quarter at Strayer in physical classes on campus. Then I moved for a new job and had no campuses nearby so I made the easy transition to online learning. I have to admit, I felt the in-class curriculum was too lenient. Students were getting away with handing things in late, being unprepared, late, etc. I was doubting the value of my time and money for the education I was receiving. My online classes however, were challenging. The professors used the discussion forums effectively and called out students who seemed to copy others or take shortcuts. Penalties were enforced for late work (in the real world you don’t get very many extensions), but with advance notice of a situation or in certain circumstances they would grant exceptions. I felt the online curriculum was very practical and valuable. It’s satisfying when something learned in a class is brought up at work! I only wish Strayer offered Ph.D. programs.

Clyde Ayala
I registered with Strayer University on November 2004 as a distance education undergraduate. I did have difficulty with the Staff, however have encountered very little with the faculty. The faculty is co-operative, giving consideration that of all of my current professors I believe not one is located at a physical campus. I currently pay $256 per credit hour and find no difference in the tuition vs. the campus based student. I also did not find allot of hidden fees which most college campus are notorious for. It was a rough start, but to say the least as an adult distance student I found this University to offer the most for the dollar. University of Phoenix wanted $453 per credit hour for a similar program. Pierce University in Pennsylvania offered an on-line program for $270 per credit hour but had the additional hidden fees. There are many different aspects to consider regarding a student taking on-line distance courses. The best for me, however is the fact that I am blind and must use adaptive equipment which would have been available through a campus site, but I do not have to worry about leaving my home and having to have someone help me to find a class, read for me in class or other factors that many blind students embrace.

Programs offered by this school:
Associate of Arts in Accounting
Associate of Arts in Acquisition & Contract Management
Associate of Arts in Business Administration
Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice
Associate of Arts in Economics
Associate of Arts in General Studies
Associate of Arts in Information Systems
Associate of Arts in Marketing
Bachelor of Business Administration in Acquisition & Contract Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking
Bachelor of Business Administration in E-Business
Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance
Bachelor of Business Administration in Hospitality and Tourims Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resources Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Legal Studies
Bachelor of Business Administration in Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing
Bachelor of Business Administration in Retail Management
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Bachelor of Science in Computer Forensics and Information Security
Bachelor of Science in Computer Security
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration
Bachelor of Science in Database Development
Bachelor of Science in Database Management
Bachelor of Science in Economics
Bachelor of Science in Homeland Security
Bachelor of Science in Homeland Security & Emergency Management
Bachelor of Science in Homeland Security and Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in International Business
Bachelor of Science in Internetworking Technology
Bachelor of Science in Networking
Bachelor of Science in Programming
Bachelor of Science in Security Administration
Bachelor of Science in Web Development
Certificate Program in Acquisition & Contract Management
Certificate Program in Advanced Accounting
Certificate Program in Basic Accounting
Certificate Program in Computer Security
Certificate Program in Database Development
Certificate Program in Database Management
Certificate Program in E-Business
Certificate Program in Homeland Security and Information Systems
Certificate Program in Internetworking Technology
Certificate Program in Management
Certificate Program in Networking
Certificate Program in Programming
Certificate Program in Security Administration
Certificate Program in Small Business & Entrepreneurship
Certificate Program in Web Development
Diploma Program in Accounting
Diploma Program in Acquisition & Contract Management
Diploma Program in Computer Security
Diploma Program in Database Development
Diploma Program in Database Management
Diploma Program in Homeland Security and Information Systems
Diploma Program in Internetworking Technology
Diploma Program in Networking
Diploma Program in Programming
Diploma Program in Security Administration
Diploma Program in Web Development
Graduate Certificate in Accounting
Graduate Certificate in Accounting Information Systems
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration / Acquisition
Graduate Certificate in Controllership
Graduate Certificate in Human Resources Management
Graduate Certificate in Management
Graduate Certificate in Marketing
Graduate Certificate in Networking
Graduate Certificate in Software Engineering
Graduate Certificate in Taxation
Master of Business Administration in Accounting
Master of Business Administration in Business Administration / Acquisition
Master of Business Administration in Finance
Master of Business Administration in Health Services Administration
Master of Business Administration in Hospitality and Tourism
Master of Business Administration in Human Resources Management
Master of Business Administration in Information Systems Management
Master of Business Administration in International Business
Master of Business Administration in Management
Master of Business Administration in Marketing
Master of Business Administration in Professional Studies
Master of Business Administration in Project Management
Master of Business Administration in Public Administration
Master of Education in Educational Management
Master of Education in Technology Education
Master of Science in Accounting and Taxation
Master of Science in Accounting Information Systems
Master of Science in Controllership
Master of Science in Network Management
Master of Science in Public Accountancy
Master of Science in Information Systems in Computer Security Management
Master of Science in Information Systems in Decision Support System Management
Master of Science in Information Systems in Enterprise Resource Management
Master of Science in Information Systems in Network Management
Master of Science in Information Systems in Software Engineering Management
Master of Science in Information Systems in Systems Development Management
Masters Degree in Health Services Administration
Masters Degree in Public Administration