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Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Oklahoma
City: Weatherford
Street: 100 Campus Drive
ZIP: 73096-3098
Phone: (580) 774-3782
The current president of SWOSU is Dr. John Hays, and the student body president is Greg Franklin of Midwest City, Oklahoma. Southwestern Oklahoma State University provides access to higher education for all individuals without discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, age, gender, disability status or religion.

The mission of Southwestern Oklahoma State University is to provide educational opportunities in higher education that meet the needs of the state and region; contribute to the educational, economic, and cultural environment; and support scholarly activity.

SWOSU is one of the 7 state regional universities in Oklahoma. The University's academic organization includes: the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribal College, College of Associate and Applied Programs, College of Professional and Graduate Studies. Southwestern Oklahoma State University provides courses, services, and programs in remedial education for individuals who require such assistance in order to function effectively at the collegiate level.

Southwestern Oklahoma State University maintains a rich tradition that includes strong academic programs. Academic emphasis in Southwestern Oklahoma Community College are Arts & Sciences, Behavioral Sciences & Education, Professional and Graduates Studies, Business & Technology, Pharmacy, Associate and Applied Programs Degree programs: Associate in Science Computer Science Criminal Justice General Business General Studies General Studies with Emphasis on American Indian Studies Pre-Nursing. Associate in Applied Science: Medical Laboratory Technician, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant and Radiologic Technology.

In addition Southwestern Oklahoma State University offers Distance Education. It provides students with the highest quality media-based courses available. Southwestern Oklahoma State University provides transfer programs which include liberal arts, sciences, and pre-professional subjects. Moreover, Distance Education offers some programs of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree online.

Financial aid for students is readily accessible at this college. Since 1949 college has been full accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.


Marc Ruben
The two best things I did while in college were:
1) I worked and studied hard.
2) I made time to enjoy myself outside of coursework.

I won't say that SWOSU was 100% responsible for getting me to the place where I am in my career -- no, I attribute that to handwork and determination. But SWOSU did prepare me better than most schools, because it taught me how to interact with people and teams. As a result, I was better-prepared to apply my education in a real-world setting than most of my colleagues from larger, more-reputable universities.

I'll leave one final bit of advice to prospective students. MEET WITH YOUR PROFESSORS AND BUILD RELATIONSHIPS WITH THEM. If you've been in a class more than two months and you haven't stopped by your professor's office at least once to ask questions or get advice, you're really missing out. I've never met anyone who said their faculty was as accessible as those at SWOSU -- take advantage of it!

Chester Barton
Southwestern Oklahoma State is a great school. It has a great science department and an excellent pharmacy school. I would recommend it to anyone.