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Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: South Dakota
City: Brookings
Street: Box 2201
ZIP: 57007
Phone: (605) 688-4121
Firstly South Dakota State University was named as Dakota Agriculture College, and was founded in 1881. Later in 1904 the name was changed to South Dakota State College of Agricultural and Mechanic Arts. And finally in 1964 the name was changed to its presents name as South Dakota State University.

South Dakota State University is the state's land grant institution. The University is organized into 8 colleges: Agriculture & Biological Sciences, Arts & Science, Education & Counseling, Family & Consumer Sciences, Engineering, Nursing, Pharmacy, and General Studies & Outreach Programming. Also SDSU has a special focus on academic programs in agriculture, engineering, nursing, and pharmacy, as well as the liberal arts. SDSU is governed by the South Dakota Board of Regents, which governs the state's six public universities and two special schools. Here our students will find a diverse campus experience. There are over 200 majors and minors that offer South Dakota State University. And it is a unique opportunities for “hands-on” learning in every field of study.

SDSU awards associate degrees, bachelor’s degrees, master’s and doctoral degrees. SDSU is known in the region for having excellent engineering programs and a very competitive nursing program. Moreover, SDSU offers a variety of programs that can be completed online.

In addition to academics, SDSU has hundreds of activities to participate in, including academic and sports clubs, theater, music, art, student government, student publications, multi-cultural events and more. All of this in addition to a beautiful campus, motivated professors and a safe, friendly atmosphere makes South Dakota State University a great place to get a quality education.


Karen Wade
I turned down athletic scholarships at other schools in bigger cities to come play at SDSU and I wouldn't change a thing. Even though there isn't a lot to do here, the people are what make the school fun and you won't find a better group of people anywhere.

Patrick Frost
Overall a positive experience. It can be easy, as in not challenging. Or it can be hard. Which path you choose depends on you. Many people complain that it's a hick school. That's not the case at all. Those who say that tend to be close-minded city-hicks -- sort of ironic I think.

Faculty are not like you'll find at most major Division I schools. They don't just sit in their offices and do a bunch of research all the time. They mostly teach.

Decisions by the Board of Regents tend to make the lives of faculty miserable. The BoR is doing a good bit of work to make higher education in SD as awful as possible for both student and faculty. Despite this the faculty are approachable and generally dependable. Some are not but I don't fault the whole university for the failings of a few.

Over the past year or two I've seen a really impressive change in the student body particularly freshman and sophomores. Since there's so many more students, there's a much better community. People are more interested in learning, and classes have gotten much more active.

Unfortunately, there's still not many people from other states outside of Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota that come to SDSU. If I was from another state, I'd strongly consider going here because you will see things and experience things so different than from where you live. That's both good and bad by the way.

But people work hard, and have strong values. I know that sounds like a cliché, but it's true. It's a lot like the stereotypes. It's not a liberal school, but that doesn't mean people aren't welcome. You can make it exactly like you want. If you want to slack off, you can. But if you want to learn, you will. Nobody is there to hold hand, so what you make of the place is up to you. I think this is the hardest thing to get used to.