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Study Online - Online Universities - Sheridan    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Enrollment: Fall
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Ontario
City: Oakville
Street: PO Box 2500, Stn Main
ZIP: L6L 7T7
Phone: 905-845-9430
Founded in 1967, Sheridan has grown from a locally-based college of 400 students to a dynamic institution with over 14, 000 full-time and 35,000 continuing education students. Now Sheridan attracts students from across Canada and around the globe. It is nationally and internationally recognized for excellence in business, digital media and communications, performing arts, visual arts and design, applied computing and telecommunications, engineering and manufacturing sciences, and community service studies. The Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning is one of Canada's premier polytechnic institutes dedicated to exceptional applied learning and graduate success.

Program offerings include variety of programs and credentials including pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship training, one-year certificate and graduate certificates, two- and three-year diplomas, and Bachelor's degrees in applied areas of study. We also offer a number of collaborative degree programs through partnerships with the University of Toronto at Mississauga, York University and Brock University. Sheridan offers:6 college certificate programs, 54 diploma and advanced diploma programs, 7 applied bachelor's degrees, 6 collaborative degrees, 24 graduate certificate programs. Sheridan consists of 5 Academic Schools:Animation, Arts & Design, Business, Community and Liberal Studies, Applied Computing and Engineering Sciences, Continuing Education and Corporate Training.

Distance Learning
Sheridan offers more than 200 courses online that are completely flexible and allow students to learn in convenient time. All courses have online instructors, helping you and providing feedback.

Financial Aid
Financial assistance is an important factor for almost all students when they decide to enter educational establishment. Sheridan has a wide range of assistance programs, which are awarded based on demonstrated financial need.
Financial assistance is available in such forms:
The Ontario Student Assistance Program
Sheridan Student Assistance Program
Sheridan Work Study Assistance Program
Academic Scholarships and Bursaries
