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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Enrollment: semesters
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Massachusetts
City: Salem
Street: 352 Lafayette Street
ZIP: 01970
Phone: (978) 542-6200
Salem State College, also known as SSC, is a four-year public institution of higher learning located in the city of Salem, Massachusetts.  The College was established in 1854. Salem State College is the largest state college and fourth-largest public institution of higher education in Massachusetts. Firstly was founded as the fourth Normal School in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. And later in 1960 the name was changed to Salem State College. Salem State is proud of the diversity of its students and the role its alumni play in Massachusetts' economy.

SSC offers bachelors, masters and post masters certificates in more than 40 academic disciplines. Every year college enrolls more than 9,000 students. Salem State College’s campus consists of over 30 buildings. Also it has five different campuses. 

Salem State College offers fully online programs. They are following: Master of Education in Liberal Media and Educational Technology and Bachelor of Science in Fire Science Administration. These online programs are designed to provide quality education. As online student you will have the flexibility to complete programs from home, at work, or even while you travel.

 Salem State College is accredited regionally by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (NEASCHE).


Carolyn Davis
Excellent School: Initially, I didn't like SSC as a school. I found it to be isolated from somewhere like Boston and found the social life rather abrasive and cold but eventually I came around and realized that it's actually one of the best schools good money can buy. Unlike a lot of other overrated schools whose tuition can take people to the cleaners, SSC is affordable and the quality of faculty is exceptional, not to mention the housing which is pretty decent. I found much of the facilities to be excellent with a terrific cafeteria, good fitness centers and overall access to just about anything on this expansive campus, which covers much of the outskirts of Salem. However, the parking is nightmarish so prepare. But this is a good school that you should attend, based on merit than name or status. Some of the professors have taught or been educated at other schools like Harvard, Yale, Princeton or Boston University among many others. Many of them are passionate about the material as well. Personally, you can't go wrong with this school even if you tried. The education is affordable and you can find campus life, but if you're willing to actually look for it. The school is commuter-based although with recent housing changes, it might be more open to people. It's inevitable that you make friends here, and you can at SSC. But don't pay attention to the social activities, which are really dorky. With respect to their activities council, no one attends the activities, they just want to take advantage of the free food. One of the best traits about SSC is location, because there's a wealth of things to choose from like movie theaters, bars and restaurants. It's also in a reasonably safer area plus it's scenic New England so you can't go wrong with that. Overall, I would say this is a school you should attend if you don't get into that dream school you wanted. I think my application to SSC was meant to happen although I almost didn't apply based on the merit of my grades.

Jeffrey Tucker
Enjoyed the program. It helped me get where I am today and is really good "Bang for the Buck".