Rochville University is a leading on-line university, serving the educational needs of a great number of working adults and individuals. By the way, it is one of the first institutions that has acquired on-line accreditation status.
The curriculum of the University is an integration of technology and tradition. At present, a wide range of accredited bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programs are offered. So, here many people can start the journey towards self-enhancement.
The university is committed to providing working individuals with an education that doesn't require campus visiting or disturbs their working schedule. Rochville’s on-line distance-learning programs, student support services, and credibility helps students succeed in their professional lives and careers.
Rochville University provides many opportunities to help working adults, from all spectrums of life and of all ages, to meet their professional goals. The university employs trained professionals who are ready to respond to any question learners may have.
Rochville University combines high academic standards and professional management. Rochville qualifies as one of the top 10 on-line distance-learning universities.
Rochville University enrolls students for distance learning for bachelors, masters, doctorate and associate degrees. Offered courses are specifically developed for working professionals.
Rochville University is a fully accredited university recognized by the Board of Online Universities Accreditation (BOUA) and the Universal Council for Online Education Accreditation (UCOEA).
Rochville University strives to educate working professionals looking to continue their education with limited budget and time for education.
Rochville believes that on-line distance-learning programs require responsible institutions dedicated to their core values of helping shape and guide the academic life of their students. Rochville offers a wide range of majors carefully selected to suit the needs of an on-line distance learner.
Rochville University educates people using modern technologies such as the Internet regardless of time and geographical boundaries.