Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: New York
City: Rochester
Street: 91 Lomb Memorial Drive
ZIP: 14623-5603
Phone: 585-475-2411
RIT’s eight colleges offer more than 90 different bachelor’s degree programs in art and design, business, engineering, science and mathematics, criminal justice, photography, environmental studies, hospitality and service management, computer science, information technology, bioinformatics, and many other areas.
Rochester technological university provides academic opportunities that extend far beyond science, engineering, and technology. Innovative programs are offered in many emerging career fields that are designed to prepare learners not only for today’s competitive workplace, but for the challenges of tomorrow as industries evolve and change. Strong foundation in the humanities and social sciences helps to gain an understanding of technological developments and the philosophy and ethical issues.
Institute offers a variety of online courses and degree programs as part of Academic Services. Online Learning works with academic departments to support online courses to RIT students, and provide faculty with online technology to supplement campus-based courses. In addition to supporting students and faculty in flexible online courses, we provide complete support services to RIT departments and faculty who are interested in developing courses or programs for online learners.
AdmissionAdmission is competitive, but the admission process is a personal. Each application is reviewed for strength of academic preparation, performance on standardized tests, counselor recommendations, and personal career interests of the student. Applicants are welcomed from a variety of geographical, social, cultural, economic, and ethnic backgrounds.
Financial AidThe Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships assists students and their families in identifying sources of financial aid to help meet the cost of education. Institute helps to make students financial aid experience as smooth as possible.