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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: USA
Enrollment: 2 terms per year
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Connecticut
City: Danielson
Street: 742 Upper Maple Street
ZIP: 06239
Phone: (860) 412-7200
Quinebaug Valley Community College (also known as QVCC) is the preeminent community college in north-eastern Connecticut.

The Center for Community and Professional Learning, which serves lifelong learners from childhood through retirement, works in partnership with college and community constituencies to develop and provide innovative program and service initiatives that respond to community learning needs and support local economic development efforts. Programs and services include credit-free courses, pre-and post-associate degree level job-focused training options, customized training services, support for activities and groups that promote social and cultural awareness, and activities and services that assist entrepreneurs and employers.

Quinebaug Valley Community College is unique in its study options. That is, the university has a Distance Learning, Double Major, Dual Enrollment of High School Students and ESL. Further, when any student is looking for some counseling or other types of support, Career Counseling, Employment Service, Financial Aid Counseling, Freshman Orientation Program, On-Campus Daycare, Placement Service and Veterans Counselor can help.

Quinebaug Valley Community College currently offers associate in arts, science, and applied science degree programs as well as 24 certificate programs. Students have their choice of degree programs in 17 areas of study, all of which can be applied to a bachelor's degree program at a four-year institution. In conjunction with the Connecticut College of Technology, students may complete a two-year degree in engineering, technology, plastics, or construction at Quinebaug Valley then automatically transfer to Central Connecticut State University, Charter Oak State College (Connecticut's External Degree Program), or the University of Connecticut to complete their bachelor's degree without losing any credits.

The associate degree represents college-level work requiring a minimum of 60 and a maximum of 68 semester hours of credit. Quinebaug Valley Community College grants the degrees of Associate in Arts, and Associate in Science.


Christine Gonzalez
I transferred after one lousy semester at the University of Maine. I learned more at QVCC in the first WEEK than I did at UMaine. Excellent place to attend. Obviously social life/extracurricular isn't excellent, but the college serves its purpose very well. I wasn't a NUMBER. That was really a nice change in pace. I love it here, it feels kinda like high school, and I used to grimace at the thought of ever attending a *gasp* local community college after graduating. It was so much better than my previous university. And CHEAP. Yes, some of the under achievers from high school are here, but not soley.

Tracy Randolph
Community college is a great way to start your college career – it's almost like a second chance if you've not done as well in high school (or found yourself distracted in high school).

There are so many great instructors at QV (Hirst and Battye, two of my favorites) that genuinely care about you as a person, how you're doing in the class, and your future goals. Do not attempt to slack off in most classes--you must be there and do the work or else you'll fail. The myth that community college is a blow-off is just that--a myth. If you take easy courses (there are some, and you'll find them), you can try breezing through, but overall you'll need to take something of substance. If you truly want a great educational foudation, you can do it at QV. Your education is what you make of it--I've put a lot into it and I've reaped many benefits. I believe the education is first-rate.

The faculty and staff are always available and helpful and understand if students have special needs. Most people are on a first-name basis; students help one-another; people work together. Most importantly, the student body is very diverse (especially the Willimantic campus) and you are guaranteed to meet people of all ages from different walks of life.

My only word of advice is to choose your courses carefully and check out the instructors. Some are of the belief that community college should be "easy," and I have had to drop one class because I did not find it met the college's normally high standards. Choose wisely and you will find a wealth of knowledge!

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