Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Semesters
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Oklahoma
City: Bartlesville
Street: 2201 Silver Lake Road
ZIP: 74006
Phone: 918-335-6200
Oklahoma Wesleyan University is a four-year institution that provides a well-rounded, balanced education. The University offers a caring, Christian atmosphere, outstanding curriculum, real world application, cutting edge technology and a total learning experience.
At OKWU, online classes are offered in an accelerated format and they are not self-paced and there are established timelines for submitting assignments and for class participation. Students will be responsible for completing weekly assignments and participating in online threaded discussions. They can expect to spend 15 to 20 hours of study time per week per online class.
Students may earn Associate's, Bachelor's and Master's degrees completely online. All programs of Oklahoma Wesleyan University are approved by the Oklahoma State Accrediting Agency for the training of Veterans under Public Law 550.
Financial AidOklahoma Wesleyan University offers different types of financial aid for all students who need it. Excepting FAFSA, there are other federal and institutional awards and scholarships available. The University has a limit and some scholarships and grants have restrictions. The University offers: institutional aid, loans and scholarships, federal and state grants.
AdmissionsThere are requirements for student enrollment. Students are admitted to OKWU without discrimination on the basis of race, color, nationality, creed, or sex providing they agree, in general, to the academic and social standards of the University. Those who are entering directly from high school or have less than 23 hours from college must:
- have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher;
- score an 18 or higher on the ACT or 860 or higher on the SAT;
- graduate in the top half of their graduating class.