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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale-Davie
Street: 3301 College Avenue
ZIP: 33314-7796
Phone: 800-541-6682
Nova Southeastern University, founded in 1964 as a graduate institution for physical and social sciences, originally was called the Nova University of Advanced Technology. In 1994, Nova University merged with Southeastern University of the Health Sciences to form Nova Southeastern University, adding the Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, Pharmacy, Optometry and Allied Health to the university.

NSU is the largest independent institution of higher education in the Southeast, and it is the 6th largest independent institution nationally. It is located on a beautiful 300-acre campus in Fort Lauderdale and has more than 26,000 students.

Nova Southeastern University has three commonwealth campuses that are centrally located to Southern Florida. Specifically, they are located in Broward and the Miami-Dade counties. Nova Southeastern University also has two international long distance education centers, for students who study international business, which are located in both The Bahamas and Jamaica.

NSU offers a wide variety of degrees and programs through several academic divisions - associate's, bachelor's, master's, educational specialist, doctoral, and first-professional degrees a wide range of fields.

Distance Education
Nova Southeastern University initiated distance education programs in 1972. It is a pioneer in the area of distance education. It was the first university in the United States to offer graduate programs in an online format, with the creation of the electronic classroom. NSU has been offering online programs and programs with an online component since 1983. NSU was also the first to use the Unix system to host online courses, and one of the first to use the Internet to support instruction.

Distance education is delivered through a variety of instructional delivery systems. Methods of delivery to students located at sites far-off from the main campus include online course delivery systems, synchronous meetings in an electronic classroom, traditional classroom instruction with a live instructor on-site, compressed interactive video, and audio teleconferencing.

Nova Southeastern University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Financial Aid
Nova Southeastern University offers a variety of financial resources available to students: Federal Grants, State Grants, Loans, Scholarship, Student Employment, and Florida Prepaid College Plan.


Joe Hegland
The Bachelors of Health Science program is great for allied health professionals who have two year applied degrees. It was the only program that counted the hours of my associate's degree in radiography as part of the total hours needed for their bachelor's degree. This saved me from having to go back and take another year of college.

The program is good. Courses are delivered via WebCT, and most of the professors were good. There were two that were great and one that was less than great. The program involves a ton of writing. The first class for the program is a writing class, which covers how to write papers for the program. They are pretty picky over formal APA format. But be prepared to spend many hours a week writing and researching. If you are not a great writer, don't worry by the end of the program you will be.

The program is 10 classes, 30 hours delivered over 12 week semesters. It is a general health care curriculum, covering topics such as health policy, ethics, and conflict resolution. I thought the program should have two concentrations options: health care management and health care education since most allied health professionals in the program are either in or moving into one of these two positions. I liked the curriculum but it is not real applicable to my job as a manager, which is my biggest complaint.

The tuition is great. I paid $225 a credit hour which is very cheap. The college has a solid reputation in the health care world; they have a medical school, dental school, PA program, optometry program, and a good nursing school.

Over all I recommend it to people like me who would like to be able to apply their two years of health care education to earn a bachelors degree.

Chris Outen
I completed my course work and dissertation in Doctor in Computer Information Systems in two years. My instructors were excellent and very supportive, especially during the dissertation process. The courses were quite rigorous and provided me with useful skills – I taught three online courses each of four semesters while simultaneously completing my coursework. This program was far more difficult than the MLIS program I completed at the University of California, Berkeley.

Frances Iler
This university offers good opportunities for undergraduate students, including taking part in graduate-level research and presenting in national conferences! This in itself is an enormous advantage to those students who wish to attend the best graduate schools in the country. The coursework is also demanding and the professors I've taken so far have been very approachable and friendly. Then again, I select them carefully using ;) For the reviewer who said that the school is horrible because of late fees. Well, be mindful of deadlines! I haven't had that happen to me, but don't rate an entire university negatively because of something that has nothing to do with academic quality.

Ralph McRoy
Nova Southeastern University's College of Pharmacy is on the cutting edge of the future of the pharmacy profession. With an emphasis on pharmaceutical care, they are preparing students for new roles in the profession aside from the traditional dispensing of medications.

They have a young and motivated cast of professors, most of whom are actively practicing pharmacy while they are teaching. There is also the opportunity for a strong relationship between students and professors.

Having graduated from this college, I feel that the knowledge I have gained is comparable or superior to that of graduates of other colleges of pharmacy.

The only complaint that I have is the cost of tuition, which is outrageous. I will be giving most of my salary as a pharmacist for the next 6-10 years right back to the bank to pay for my education.

Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Management
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Bachelor of Science in Secondary Biology Education
Bachelor of Science in Secondary Mathematics Education
Bachelors Degree in Health Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems
Doctor of Philosophy in Occupational Therapy
Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Therapy
Doctoral Degree in Education
Doctoral Degree in Health Sciences
Doctoral Degree in Occupational Therapy
Master of Arts in Cross-Disciplinary Studies
Master of Science in Biological Science
Master of Science in Clinical Vision Research
Master of Science in Coastal Zone Management
Master of Science in Computer and Information Sciences
Master of Science in Computer Science
Master of Science in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
Master of Science in Counseling
Master of Science in Criminal Justice
Master of Science in Education
Master of Science in Employment Law Fundamentals
Master of Science in Human Resources Management
Master of Science in Information Security
Master of Science in Information Technology
Master of Science in Leadership
Master of Science in Management
Master of Science in Management Information Systems
Master of Science in Marine Biology
Master of Science in Marine Environmental Sciences
Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling
Master of Science in Nursing
Master of Science in Student Affairs
Master of Science in Education in Environmental Education
Masters Degree in Accounting
Masters Degree in Business Administration
Masters Degree in Child Protection
Masters Degree in Health Sciences
Masters Degree in International Business Administration
Masters Degree in Public Administration
Masters Degree in Public Health
Masters Degree in Taxation