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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: USA
Enrollment: Quarterly
Financial Aid: No
Scholarships: No
Contact Info:
State: Ohio
City: Shelby
Street: Kehoe Center
ZIP: 44875
Phone: (419) 755-4711
North Central State College Distance Learning presents students an opportunity to get college credit by participating in non-traditional, technology-based courses using delivery modes such as Online Courses (OL) Video Conferencing Courses (VC), DVD/Video, and Audio CD courses.

Instead of attending class on-campus, Distance Learning students participate in a mandatory course-specific orientation either online or on-site. Typical "first day of class" information is provided in the orientation as well as instructor contact information and office hours.

Distance Learning students satisfy course objectives by completing readings in textbooks and study guides, turning in assignments on time, and, in some courses, writing papers or reports. Exams are taken on-campus at specified exam sites or other designated testing facilities at distance sites.

Each Distance Learning course has an instructor who facilitates the learning process and is available for students to contact when they need assistance.

Students register for Distance Learning courses just as they would for classroom courses.

All N.C. Statead missions procedures apply to Distance Learning students. Like classroom courses at North Central State, Distance Learning courses have limited enrollments and classes may fill and close prior to the end of registration periods. Distance Learning course content and transferability is identical to courses offered on-campus. Additionally, North Central Statefaculty teaching Distance Learning courses follow the same College policies, procedures, and administrative rules as faculty teaching on-campus courses. 

Distance Learning courses provide students greater flexibility in scheduling their courses, but they also require good time management skills and self-motivation for successful completion. They may not suit every student's needs, expectations, or learning style. Students considering a DL course should make sure to check out our Distance Learning pre-flight assessment and the Computer readiness tool. These are online resources that may give you an indication of your aptitude for distance education and help you better decide whether a Distance Learning class is right for you.

Advantages of Distance Learning
- Scheduling Flexibility and convenience: Most forms of distance learning do not require you to physically be in a physical classroom at a certain time each week.
- Universal access: Most forms of distance learning (again - not all!) allow you access to course materials at your convenience.
- Self-paced learning, depending on class and medium.
- Travel Savings: With the rising cost of gasoline, you can save money and not have to drive to campus one more time a week, or for video conferencing classes, you do not have to commute to remote campuses for class.


Sheri Berry
While this school is helpful, there is not a long wait to speak to a live person. You will find that the school itself has only a few courses to attend. And some might have a 4-5 year wait to get in to. This discourages a lot of perspective students when you can't attend because there are few areas of interest or you have years to wait to learn.