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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: twice a year
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: North Carolina
City: Raleigh
Street: 920 Main Campus Drive
ZIP: 27695-7113
Phone: (919)515-9030
North Carolina State University was founded in 1887, as the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. It began classes in the fall of 1889 with 72 students, six faculty, and one building. At present the university has more than 31,000 students, 8,000 faculty and staff and more than 700 buildings.

More than a century after its establishment as a land-grant institution, North Carolina State University continues to follow the mission upon which it was founded – to provide teaching, research, and extension services to the people of North Carolina.

Distance Education
North Carolina State University provides access to quality, well-rounded educational opportunities for a diverse student population. You don’t even have to live in Raleigh to benefit from NC State’s academic offerings. In case if you live halfway around the world, NC State offers over 25 degree and certification programs through its Distance Education Program. Students outside the traditional classroom can take credit and non-credit Web-based courses remotely. Customized, face-to-face instruction at off-campus locations is also available to members of business and industry, government agencies and other organizations.

Distance Education is designed for businesspeople who need a few courses to advance or change a career, professionals required to upgrade skills through credit-based courses, high-scholars or military personnel planning their next step, retirees interested in lifelong learning, or those who want an outstanding education but can’t be on campus for whatever reason, NC State Distance Education has a course and curriculum to meet many needs.

Delivery Formats
Our Distance Learning offers the most common course delivery formats. Depending on the course, students may experience more than one delivery format. Each of them provides different benefits, such as greater flexibility, fewer hardware or software requirements, and more contact or communication with peers. These formats are: Internet, Media Based (DVD,CD-ROM), Cable Television, NC-REN/Interactive Video, and On-site.

Financial Aid
NCSU offers such types of Financial Aid as: scholarships, grants, loans, and campus employment.  Financial Aid funds may come from federal, state, institutional and private sources. There are two basic types of Financial Aid: gift funds (money that does not need to be repaid) and self-help funds (money that is borrowed and must be repaid, or earned while enrolled).


Norman Payne
Are you ready for the 4 (more like 5 to 6) hardest years of your life? If you said "yes" then get ready for NCSU engineering. I love NCSU but I would not come back to do an engineering degree again. Engineering is tough and the teachers will tell you that only 1/3 of your class will finish as engineers. Don't let that discourage you because in the end there are great rewards especially for those who actually graduate from this school as engineers. I am in my next to last semester and have already been offered an engineering position with a Global Fortune 500 company (this is with a 2.9 GPA).

There is plenty to do on campus and since the school is so big you can easily find people who you can relate to. Raleigh isn't a bad town either!

NCSU is a good school with many friendly people and a great reputation in and out of the state.

Amanda Dotson
My engineering degree from NC State has been an asset to me so far. I graduated prepared to work because potential employers had confidence I was trainable. Engineering is almost impossible to learn during school, but having the degree means you can learn on the job. I was also very prepared for the FE exam. And when the time came to take the PE exam I definitely had the educational background to begin studying and successfully pass.

Alex Tucker
I completed my Masters in Civil Engineering at the North Carolina State University, at Raleigh. I had done my final year project in Transportation Eng in my UG. It was a project undertaken by the National Highway Authority of India. As the same course was offered at North Carolina, I opted for it. Friends, my advice would be to select the course and university which has programs similar to your own interests. That’s half the battle won!

Jerome Carver
I recently graduated from North Carolina State University with a BS in Horticulture. I actually transferred into the program in January of 1998. I entered the program with quite a varied college background. I began a college program in 1989 while I still lived in Atlanta, studying Accounting. I worked in an Accounting job as well, and quickly realized that this was not for me. I received my AA from AB-Tech in Asheville, NC and transferred directly into the Horticulture program at State. I found that the program is very welcoming to those who may not be traditional college students (such as second degree students and older college beginners).

My experience with this particular department was excellent. While being a part of such a large University atmosphere, the department is able to maintain a more personal relationship with the students. I know that some departments at NCSU do not promote such a "family" mentality. The professors and teaching staff, including graduate teaching students, are superb. I learned so much about Horticulture by being a part of this department. I can truly say that students graduating from the various Horticulture programs at State leave with a great deal of experience and knowledge in their field. These students are top quality candidates for career opportunities in the field of Horticulture.

The only area in need of improvement in my opinion would be the facilities themselves. Kilgore Hall (where the department is located) is a very old building, and many of the classroom and laboratory facilities could definitely stand to be updated.

Alan Donovan
NC State prepared me academically and socially for graduate scholarships and study.

Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership in the Public Sector
Certificate Program in Administrative Office Management
Certificate Program in Agriculture Business Management
Certificate Program in Agronomic Crop Production
Certificate Program in Computer Programming
Certificate Program in Fabric Manufacturing
Certificate Program in Feed Milling
Certificate Program in Food Safety Managers
Certificate Program in Plant Pests, Pathogens and People
Certificate Program in Soil Science
Certificate Program in Textile Fundamentals
Doctor of Education in Adult and Community College Education
Doctor of Education in School Administration
Graduate Certificate in Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Graduate Certificate in Community College Education
Graduate Certificate in Counselor Education
Graduate Certificate in E-learning
Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Science
Graduate Certificate in Horticulture
Graduate Certificate in Nonwovens Science and Technology
Graduate Certificate in Training and Development
Master of Arts in Teaching
Master of Arts in Textile Chemistry
Master of Education in Business and Marketing Education
Master of Education in Training and Development
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
Master of Science in Business and Marketing Education
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
Master of Science in Computer Engineering
Master of Science in Computer Networking
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Master of Science in Family Life and Youth Development
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Science in Textile Chemistry
Masters Degree in Agricultural Education
Masters Degree in Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Masters Degree in Business Administration
Masters Degree in Civil Engineering
Masters Degree in Computer Science
Masters Degree in Engineering
Masters Degree in Environmental Assessment
Masters Degree in Family Life and Youth Development
Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering
Masters Degree in Integrated Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Masters Degree in Materials Science and Engineering
Masters Degree in Nuclear Engineering
Masters Degree in Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Sport Management
Masters Degree in School Administration
Masters Degree in Soil Science
Masters Degree in Textiles
Masters Degree in Wood and Paper Science