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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: once a year
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Virginia
City: Dublin
Street: 5251 College Drive
ZIP: 24084
Phone: (540) 674-3600
Initially, New River Community College (NRCC) was created as New River Vocational-Technical School. It came under the jurisdiction of Virginia Community College System (VCCS) in 1966. And the school's name was changed to its present name in late 1969.

New River Community College is a comprehensive community college where you can prepare for the future with any of our various occupational programs or college transfer courses. NRCC has earned a reputation for first-class instruction. With our wide selection of courses, you can explore your interests, prepare for a career, or increase your job skills.

At the same time, at New River you'll find small classes and instructors who care about their students, along with a variety of services to help students, from counseling to career planning. And if you're interested in extracurricular activities, you'll find many opportunities to get involved.

Financial Aid
New River Community College offers a variety of financial opportunities for students who need financial assistance. The philosophy of the Financial Aid Office is that no qualified student shall be denied the privilege of attending college because of the lack of finances, if funds are available.

Distance Education
New River Community College's Distance Education program is part of the college's effort to increase educational access by bringing education to people instead of people to education. It is designed for those students who are unable to travel to the college or who need to pursue academic goals outside the traditional classroom setting. The main advantage of the Distance Education is that it a flexible, convenient alternative to courses taught on campus, providing the same quality and content of on-campus courses. Students can students to set their own schedule (within certain parameters) to complete course work.

Distance Education takes advantage of a variety of delivery for delivery formats including: telecourses, telelectures, audio, mixed media, computer/software, Internet/Web based, and live two-way interactive instruction. The delivery format used depends on the individual course. It enables you to achieve your educational goals by delivering academically sound courses and educational support services that are flexible, responsive, and innovative.


Ron Molinar
The school is nice. There are a lot of classes and most students are friendly. There seems to be the proper mix of culture and everything just seems to flow. The staff is professional.

Emma Kemble
I think this is a top notch community college. I learn so much. It may be difficult for someone expecting it to be easy because it is a community college but from teachers and students that have gone to Universities there is more work. I appreciate it though because when I do finish I will be prepared for University level classes.