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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: New Hampshire
City: Henniker
Street: 98 Bridge Street
ZIP: 03242
Phone: (603) 428-2252
New England College is an independent liberal arts college that offers professional programs.

We Provide Education that Develops:
- critical and inventive thinking abilities, efficient communication skills, and liable educational and social commitments;
- chronological and comparative understanding of the humanities, social and natural sciences;
- receptiveness to moral and humane concerns;
- respect for gender, cultural, generational, racial and religious identities and an gratitude for natural environments and world cultures;
- and a basis for lifetime learning.

We provide chances to reach these objectives through theory and practice in the classroom and through service learning, internships, and international opportunities.

The Office of Admission functions on a systematic admission basis.  Beginning in December of every year, application files are evaluated for admission as they happen to be complete, which includes:
•    NEC application or common application
•    an authorized copy of your high school transcript
•    two academic letters of recommendation
•    personal essay
•    $30 application fee

Resolution letters are sent in two weeks after a file is complete. Applicant's GPAs are calculated again based on the four main subjects (English, math, science and social studies) and this is the GPA on which the student’s acceptance depends.

Financial Aid
New England College supposes that financing your tuition is one of the most significant worries that our families will have to face. We endeavor to meet each student's personal need so that the cost of education will not deter any potential and returning student from reaching their objectives and daydreams.

Through our wide-ranging choice of financial aid programs, we will be with you on this exciting journey. Financial aid in the form of grants, loans, and employment are offered to U.S. students on the financial need basis. Over three quarters of our students and their families obtain assistance from either New England College or external sources in covering the cost of education. Financial assistance eligibility is renovated annually, and reconsiderations or changes are made to make sure that the assistance eligibility is in proportion with every family's financial conditions.


Nina Torres
My experience with New England College was tremendous. Photography had always been something I though could just be a hobby, but through my classes and experience at New England College I learned about the history of photography as well as getting to hone my craft. I am taking what I learned and using it to further my career like I never dreamed. My time was not only filled with academics, but I enjoyed the social activities offered as well giving me the total college experience. It was worth the time and effort I put in, because what I got was so much more.

Jose Huber
New England College is best for the Self-Starter. It is all what you make of it and take advantage of at the college and there is a lot the college has to offer. Probably the thing I liked most was the ratio of student to instructor. While friends went to large universities and were in classes held in auditoriums, I was in classes that were either at the professor’s home or his office and the occasional classroom. More of a tutoring type course. This allowed for increased interaction and specific attention to my interest of the topic. As for extracurricular activities, you’re in the middle of New Hampshire, it’s not meant to be a metropolis of nightlife. If you want that then go to a university or college in the city. If you want a great learning environment, beauty of nature and Boston (city) within an hours drive, then go to NEC!

Frank Wallace
I think that NEC greatly helped me because I was able to experiment with many different options of what I wanted to do. The hard part is that a lot of students do not take advantage of their opportunities at NEC or any other college for that matter. NEC is a great place and it is all what you make of it, yes it does have its problems but what school doesn't.

Carl Morales
The coursework for an art major was slightly challenging considering it was an online degree and art is primarily something you want to see in person to be judged. It was helpful using various technological devices and systems to interact with the professor; I also submitted work via snail mail to my professor so they could judge my work in person. Overall, I learned a great deal through this school and the ease they make learning was essential to getting a good education. Highly recommended.

Kristen Fisher
I have not taken online classes at this school but I did receive my undergrad from NEC. It is a good liberal arts school and the teacher's are usually great. I would certainly choose NEC over the strictly online schools.