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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: USA
Enrollment: rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Pennsylvania
City: Blue Bell
Street: 340 DeKalb Pike
ZIP: 19422
Phone: 215.641.6300
Montgomery County Community College offers e-learning opportunities as well as courses at various off-site locations, including the Willow Grove Naval Air Station and Lansdale. The College is governed by a fifteen person Board of Trustees appointed by the Montgomery County Commissioners and is fully accredited by the Commission of Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

In order to meet the different needs of our student body and our community, the College offers four Associate Degrees (AA, AS, AAS, and AGS) in 90 degree and certificate programs in 40 areas of study. In 1998, the College created a new Liberal Studies degree (AS) that equips students with the strong general education core (36 credits) and flexibility to tailor electives (24 credits) to their transfer institution's program requirements. In fall 2004, about 55 percent of the College's students were enrolled in transfer-based programs, 38 percent were enrolled in occupational programs and 9 percent were enrolled in General Studies.

E-Learning has become increasingly popular in higher education over the last several years because it offers several benefits, including access to education for people removed from a college campus (by distance or health condition) or unable to keep a regular schedule because of work or family responsibilities. It provides them the chance to pursue a degree that might otherwise not be attainable.

Our faculty are dedicated, student oriented, and venerated professionals in their respective fields as well as throughout the community. We boast nationally recognized scholars, poets, sculptors, volunteers, lecturers, and authors as well as the 2002 and 2004 CASE and Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching's Pennsylvania Professors of the Year. While our faculty is accomplished and active in their fields, their commitment to student learning is their first and foremost professional priority.

Financial Aid
Montgomery County Community College offers financial aid in the forms of grants, scholarships student loans, and part-time employment with the majority of our funds provided through Federal and State programs.


Alicia Ferguson
MC3 as we call it in the 'hood (no we don't), is a damn good school. It is inexpensive and truly beneficial. The real estate program is phenomenal, the management courses are generally hilarious (yeah, sometimes you are more intelligent than your professor) and I have reaped the benefits of the creative writing courses.

I recommend night classes unless you prefer being surrounded by slouchy teens who would rather be smoking...well, anything...than being in class.

Justin Wolf
Guess where I graduated my four year degree from? Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Cum Laude. They accepted most of my credits from Montco. I now have my own investment firm and I always tell my clients about my wonderful and very cost effective experience at Montco. I was not ready for a "go away" college and Montco was perfect for me. Also, the cost is great, as I paid my own way through both Montco and Penn. You can do it too!

Phillip Clark
I went to Montco off choice I made in my career planning and was against it at first but I was proven wrong about thinking less of it. This is by far one of the best schools you can go to in the nation!