Founded 1870 as the Missouri School of Mines, the institution was for a long time known as the University of Missouri-Rolla, the name it gained in 1964. However, in 2008, the school became Missouri University of Science and Technology. With main campus located in Rolla, Missouri, the university is a part of the University of Missouri System.
The University focuses its education options on the technology, engineering and computing related academic programs. In addition to traditional campus degrees and certificates, the Missouri S&T offers numerous online degree opportunities, which is most beneficial to working professionals and students with certain work or family commitments.
Distance education opportunities include the following options:
• Online graduate degrees
• Online graduate certificates
• Online PDH Surveying Courses
• Other Online PDH Courses
• Certificate Programs
• Conferences
• Face-To-Face Courses
• Video Courses
The graduate degrees available for completion online include the online MBA, the Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Engineering Management, Environmental Engineering, Information Science and Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Systems Engineering; and the Master of Engineering in Geotechnics, Manufacturing Engineering, and Mining Engineering. Moreover, graduate certificates include numerous engineering and information technology related programs offered online. Students who complete the graduate certificates with the grade B or higher in all courses are accepted to the master’s program in their major if they apply. The credits earned throughout the certificate program then are applied to the master’s degree program.
Financial Aid
Missouri S&T offers many various financial aid programs that students can benefit from. The programs are designed to help students meet their education costs. Students may receive a combination of merit-based scholarships, Federal need based assistance, scholarships and grants for Missouri residents and other financial opportunities at Missouri S&T.